Zumba: A Trendy And Fun Way To Lose Weight

Zumba is a fun, moderate intensity physical activity that promotes weight loss. Lose weight while having fun! 

Zumba is more and more popular thanks to its two virtues: it is a dancing activity that has fun and helps to lose weight.

It is for this reason that zumba quickly became the first choice of those who, before, could not go to a gym to lose their extra pounds.

In this article, we invite you to find out what zumba is and why this activity is so beneficial for general health.

In addition, we give you some tips to get the most out of zumba classes. Take notes !

Zumba: why is it important to lose weight while having fun? 

woman doing zumba at home

Unfortunately, some people are fixated on the idea of ​​losing weight. And it is not always easy to lose the extra pounds we have.

The causes are varied. This can be due to the body’s difficulty in losing weight easily, or a lack of consistency in the practice of good eating habits and a good physical routine.

It is essential to change the way we look at our body: it is above all important to have a healthy weight for health reasons, and also to feel good about yourself.

Losing weight should not become an obsession and represent a source of anxiety and daily guilt. We must see it as one more challenge in our life.

The only way to achieve this definitively is to have a healthy relationship with food and to enjoy physical activity.

When it comes to physical exercise, there are many options. Nowadays, gymnasiums offer more and more access to new disciplines.

It is very likely that one of these disciplines adjusts to your desires. This is the only way to find out which activity will not make you want to give up.

Zumba, what is it?

Zumba is a dancing physical activity that has been around for about thirty years. But it’s only been ten years since this activity became popular. This activity is accessible to everyone, including children.

More concretely, this activity consists of following different choreographies on Latin American rhythms such as, for example, reggaeton, bachata, salsa, merengue, cumbia or samba.

These dances are combined with aerobic movements. This is precisely why zumba is a very effective sport for losing weight.

By practicing zumba, we burn a lot of calories, while toning our muscles and gaining in flexibility.

In addition, these dances make us discover the Latin rhythms in a very pleasant way.

Most gyms offer zumba classes or a very similar variation. The original zumba was recorded by its creator, Alberto Pérez. Some variants use a step or a chair. There is even an aquatic variant!

The zumba class

A zumba class usually lasts between fifty and sixty minutes. It begins and ends with a sequence of stretches.

The stretching sequence at the start of class warms up the body before starting the activity. As for the end one, it relaxes the muscles in order to prevent possible injuries, and relaxes the metabolism which has just been intensely stimulated.

The music chosen makes it possible to produce different types of sequences which are repeated in order to facilitate the execution of the choreography. Latin music makes it easier to memorize movements: for each verse there is a specific sequence of movements.

In addition, Latin music is generally known to the general public: it’s fun guaranteed!

How to lose weight with zumba classes?

zumba class

To increase your energy expenditure and lose weight more easily during a zumba class, follow the following tips.

  • Drink water before, during and after class, not only to aid weight loss, but also to keep you well hydrated.
  • Don’t eat right before your zumba class. You may experience indigestion due to the high intensity of the activity. You can eat a small portion of a nutritious food one hour before class at the latest.
  • Make sure you consume protein within 30 minutes of the end of class. This way, you will recover faster and tone your muscles more.
  • If you do zumba in the afternoon, the ideal is, at dinner, to opt for a portion of vegetables (salad, vegetable cream, gazpacho, sautéed vegetables, etc.) and a portion of protein (lean meat, fish, legumes, cream cheese, eggs, etc.). If your goal is to lose weight, know that it is better to consume carbohydrates  during the day rather than at night.
  • Combine aerobic activities with anaerobic activities: combine exercises that make you sweat with exercises that strengthen your muscles. The more you exercise your muscles, the faster your metabolism and the more fat you burn. Your health will thank you and your figure will give you back!

In short …

A balanced diet and moderate exercises like those practiced during a zumba class are two keys to noticeably losing weight. This process will be all the easier if you engage in a fun activity.

If you need advice on your diet and your exercise routine, consult a specialist.

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