Why Eat Oats Every Morning?

In addition to being filling and providing energy, oats are also excellent for respiratory health. It also provides us with fiber and strengthens the immune system.

Rich, healthy, nutritious and multi-purpose. Oats are one of the foods that cannot be missed for breakfast, along with orange juice, yogurt or milk.

Would you like to know why? We will explain why you should eat oats every morning below.

The benefits of oats for breakfast

It provides us with many vitamins, gives us the strength we need to face the day and makes us feel full.

1. It lowers cholesteroloats

Considering the amount of fat we consume each day, it is not difficult to understand why so many people suffer from this problem (which arises without symptoms).

Cholesterol levels can be reduced with oats, thanks to its intake of beta-glucan, a type of fiber.

2. It improves heart health

The soluble fiber found in oats decreases the chances of developing heart problems. The daily intake of this nutrient should be 6 to 8 grams.

However, half a cup of this cereal provides 2 grams of fiber. Thus, from breakfast, you will provide your body with a third or a quarter of the dose it needs.

3. She satiates

The typical mid-morning “snack” takes place when we are not having a full and adequate breakfast.

The good news is, we don’t need to “binge” on food very early on, just eat a few spoonfuls of oats.

This very rich cereal has the ability to satiate the appetite and prevent excessive ingestion due to anxiety.

4. It is antioxidant

Free radicals that accumulate in the body cause many diseases such as, for example, cancer.

Thanks to the properties of several components of oats, we can neutralize them and regain health.

They work by reducing inflammation, increasing nitric oxide production, and controlling cell division (especially in the colon).

5. She brings a lot of energy

If in the morning you are having a hard time getting started and meeting your obligations, you should eat some oats.

Since it contains simple carbohydrates which are converted into glucose and later into energy, it is an essential food for breakfast.

You will feel more attentive and you will have more strength to face all your activities.

6. It reduces blood pressure

In addition to its benefits for the heart and blood, you should know that oats are also excellent for artery health.

The famous fibers that this cereal provides are perfect for people who suffer from hypertension, when they consume it in the morning.

7. She controls diabetes

Oats regulate blood sugar levels and at the same time allow other foods to be digested more slowly.

It is recommended for patients with diabetes because it reduces insulin resistance.

8. It improves the respiratory system

Here’s a great excuse to enjoy oats in the winter as well (many people eat them hot for breakfast).

  • This cereal is used to relieve and improve cases of pharyngitis, bronchitis, colds and laryngitis.
  • It is also recommended for smokers (or those who have quit smoking) because it cleans the lungs.

9. It strengthens the immune system

If the immune system is weak, any microorganism, bacteria or virus can enter the body and develop disease.

Oats have the ability to increase the immune response and fight infections.

This is why if you feel sick, do not hesitate to eat a cup of this cereal. You will heal quickly and effectively.

10. It prevents constipation

This fiber-rich food has of course virtues related to intestinal health.

  • If you have trouble having a bowel movement, we recommend that you eat 3 tablespoons of oats with orange juice every morning.
    You will be able to evacuate quickly and you will feel less heavy, inflamed and embarrassed.
  • In addition, it is a perfect food to cleanse the colon and remove all the residues that accumulate there.

11. It prevents cancer in women

Women’s health can be seriously affected during menopause.

Whole grains like oats have many benefits to provide during this period of life, for example the ability to prevent the development of breast cancer.

It also makes it possible not to gain weight and not to suffer from chronic fatigue during this sometimes complicated episode.

12. It is a diuretic

With regular ingestion of oats, you can eliminate excess uric acid through urine.

The responsible for this property is silicon, an extremely healthy mineral.

This cereal is suitable for people with fluid retention, edema and rheumatic diseases.

13. She is suitable for celiacs

One of the characteristics of oats that should not be forgotten: it is a cereal that contains almost no gluten and is therefore recommended for people with celiac disease.

Unlike wheat, barley or rye, oats are well tolerated by people with this condition and do not affect the lining of the small intestine.

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