Why Are You Losing Your Voice?

If you often lose your voice, it is essential to go to the doctor and learn how to use it with a speech therapist.

Are you constantly voiceless and you don’t know why  ? Don’t worry, you are not an isolated case with no more voice.

Some people have a particular tendency to lose their voice, although this is not always due to physical weakness.

Whether for one reason or another, it is a complication that can hamper our work and personal relationships.

This is why it is important to know the reasons for this and to find the solutions from there.

Factors that cause loss of voice


There are professions for which the voice is the main instrument of work.

Among the most likely to present vocal problems we distinguish:

  • Professors
  • People working in communication
  • Singers
  • Teleoperators
  • Waiters

If this is your case, we recommend that you use natural remedies that will help you overcome the excessive use of voice.

In addition, it would be advisable to call on a phoniatrist who will teach you techniques to use it in a more appropriate way.

Acoustic conditions

  • From the moment we step out into the street, we face noise and traffic.
  • If we go into a bar or a restaurant, it’s the same thing. Loud music that forces people to raise their tone so that they can hear each other continuously.

It’s so common that there comes a time when you notice that you are starting to have a sore throat after having been having a quiet conversation with a friend.

Environmental conditions

Pollution and the voice.

Unfortunately, the quality of the air we breathe in cities is getting worse and worse.

We find the most explicit example in large metropolises, where passers-by are forced to wear a mask to walk outside.

On the other hand, centralized air conditioning can also cause big problems, because it dries up the mucous membranes that protect the respiratory tract.

The reasons why you are losing your voice

Tobacco makes you lose your voice

Tobacco and voice.

You know how cigarettes affect the lungs, but did you know that they also cause cancer of the vocal cords?

Do not think that it is a rare disease, on the contrary.

The good news is that it’s not very aggressive, and when it’s caught on time, it’s usually treatable.

So when you lose your voice, aphonia or dysphonia can become a chance to detect it or rule it out.

Seek medical attention if the problem recurs.

Nodules and polyps

Although they are different, in both cases they are protuberances that appear in the vocal cords.

The phenomenon is comparable to corns on the feet, the origin of which is characterized by the prolonged use of unsuitable shoes.

So when we have bad habits for a long time or work requires us to talk too much, the speech system is affected.

Polyps and nodules are an example of these incidences.

Regarding their treatment, the nodules can disappear by using new practices for speaking or singing. If they don’t stop, you will need to have surgery.

As for polyps, they are usually eliminated directly by surgery.

Acute laryngitis and loss of voice

Acute laryngitis and loss of voice.

This is a fairly mild problem. It is defined as inflammation of the laryngeal, which goes away with medication or on its own.

However, we know that there are people who suffer from it very frequently.

The best is to look for alternative therapies that teach you how to optimize its functioning, without the organ suffering.

If you are left speechless because of this problem, it is not very worrying, but you can do something about it to improve it.

Gastroesophageal reflux causes you to lose your voice

These are common heartburn. As their unpleasant flavor tells us, they contain acidic substances which are abrasive.

For this reason, they gradually attack the organs with which they are in contact.

To relieve them, you must first consume foods that are lighter and easier to digest. In this way, you will improve the health of your throat, and at the same time, you will stop the discomfort caused by reflux.

If we take all these questions into account, it is best to seek the advice of a specialist. Once the origin of the problem has been confirmed, you can then take the appropriate measures.

However, your best bet is to look for alternatives that are useful in the long term, and in this case  several sessions with a speech therapist will do you good.

You will be able to find your voice and forget the obstacle that this implies of not being able to communicate as you wish.

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