What Is The Origin Of The Coronavirus And Why Could It Not Be Eradicated?

There is no absolute certainty about the origin of the coronavirus, nor how this virus will be eradicated. If it behaves in the same way as other similar viruses, it is most likely that it gradually subsides as scientists develop a drug that can limit its presence.

The COVID-19 pandemic has occupied the headlines of major media around the world, especially in the past two months. Nevertheless, there are many people who still do not know what the origin of the coronavirus is and who also do not understand why it has not been eradicated.

About the origin of the coronavirus, there are all kinds of theories often fueled by false information circulating via social networks. We hear of an extremely confidential conspiracy, a biochemical attack and even the fulfillment of a prophecy foretold by seers.

Likewise, with regard to the non-eradication of the origin of the coronavirus, there are very many opinions. Some put the blame on governments for their faulty decisions. Others call for patience to allow the necessary time for scientists to come up with solutions.

What is the origin of the coronavirus?

The origin of the coronavirus is one of the many topics for which there is no absolute certainty. There are only theories. Some are based on more evidence than others, but none of these theories are completely conclusive. First of all, it is important to point out that coronaviruses are a big family and that this is not the first time that they have affected human beings.

The most accepted theory is as follows: the SARS-CoV-2 virus would come from bats, and the latter would then have infected humans indirectly. According to this theory, they would have transmitted the virus to pangolins. The pangolin is an exotic animal marketed for human consumption and for medicinal purposes. It would therefore be the pangolins that would have transmitted the virus directly to human beings.

Another theory is gaining more and more ground. In this theory, there is no participation of bats: the virus would have been directly transmitted by pangolins to humans. A team of scientists has also discovered two coronaviruses very similar to SARS-Cov-2 in the body of these animals.

Most of the viruses that have plagued humanity throughout history come from animals. For this reason, it is highly likely that the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is zoonotic in nature. Could the virus have been created in a lab? Obviously, but there is no evidence to support this theory, only thousands of hypotheses.

Bats could be the source of the coronavirus

Eradication of the origin of the coronavirus

The truth is, humans aren’t particularly good at eradicating viruses. Since the dawn of time, humans have fought great battles against viruses and bacteria. However, for the moment, smallpox and rinderpest are the only two diseases that we have managed to eradicate completely.

The coronavirus is not the first nor the deadliest of the viruses to have attacked humans. The danger of COVID-19 is not its lethality but its high potential for contamination. The problem with the virus that causes COVID-19 is that it infects a large number of people at the same time. And as we are seeing right now, it is causing the collapse of health systems.

Under ideal conditions, if health systems could come to the aid of all those in need of special attention because of this disease, the death rate would probably be less than 1%. In the real world, the death rate is well above this percentage, not because of the virus itself, but because of the inability of health systems to provide an appropriate response to all patients.

Hospital beds

What will happen to the coronavirus?

Since the coronavirus contamination has become global, the most likely is that this virus will not go away. Usually, viruses of this type become more harmless over time because their purpose is not to kill the organism they enter since they need this organism to reproduce and multiply.

As this is a new virus, we do not yet know how the coronavirus will behave. If it behaves the same as other similar viruses, it is most likely that it gradually subsides to adapt to humans. In addition, it is expected that the cases of contamination will decrease in summer and that there will be a second wave of contamination in winter.

Many researchers around the world are working on developing antiviral drugs to fight SARS-CoV-2. The purpose of these drugs is to limit the possibility of the virus to multiply in an organism. Likewise, the vaccine against this virus could be ready in the next 10-18 months.

Learn to live with the virus

After an epidemic crisis, humanity must learn to coexist with the virus. There comes a time when the viral particles become part of the environment and their potential for contamination stabilizes. Beyond the origin of the coronavirus, which we may never be able to confirm, it is fundamental that the different populations make their way by taking into consideration the presence of SARS-CoV-2 among them.

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