What Is The Healthiest Cheese For Our Body?

The general principle when choosing a quality cheese is to know the company that produces it. The healthiest cheeses are considered to be fresh cheeses and ricotta.

Cheese is a food that has important nutritional properties. It is a source of proteins of high biological value.

It also provides calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and D. Its components make it particularly favorable for the development of bones and teeth.

Due to the risks inherent in the manufacturing process, the cheese must be of good quality. Products made without basic hygienic conditions expose the consumer to disease.

The general principle when choosing the healthiest cheese is to know the company that produces it. This will ensure good manufacturing conditions, which are the starting point for quality.

Types of cheese

Cheese will be healthier or less healthy depending on the state of health of the person consuming it. Conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, intestinal or liver problems, influence the effect of their consumption.

Some good quality cheeses are very healthy for some people and not for others. Especially if they suffer from intolerance to one of its components.

In response to this, it is important to know the types of cheese as a starting point in choosing the ideal dairy product for your body. Here is our selection.

Fresh cheese

Fresh cheese.

It is made by a process of curdling and dehydrating milk,  does not require ripening or parking. It is essential to store it in the refrigerator at 3 or 4 degrees.

This group includes: mozzarella, hard white cheese, ground, cottage and feta. It is a cheese ready for consumption at the end of the manufacturing process. It is generally considered the healthiest cheese.

Mature cheese

This type of cheese after manufacture needs to be stored at a temperature and under conditions that may cause physical and chemical changes specific to it.

It is characterized by its intense aroma and strong flavor. Among the most popular are Cheddar, Gouda, Monterrey, Jack, Emmental, Parmesan and Edam.

They have a high fat content, a fact that should be taken into account at the time of consumption.


Blue cheese.

It is characterized by a strong presence of mold which gives it an intense flavor and aroma, with an acidic touch.

They need humid environments that promote mold growth. Among the most famous are: Roquefort, and Gorgonzola.

Cream cheese

The cream cheese has a large amount of cream, fat, compared to cheese. Its texture is very creamy.

They are generally used for mass distribution, so they are presented in appropriate containers for this purpose. The most famous are Camembert and Philadelphia.

Melted cheese

Processed cheese.

It is  made from two or more cheeses that melt. In its processing, the microorganisms that give flavor to natural cheeses are eliminated, which is why it is a bit bland in the mouth.

This lack of flavor is usually compensated for by adding salt. It is easily sliced ​​using machines, making it the ideal cheese for snacks and sandwiches.

People with hypertension should forget to consume processed cheese.


It is made from cow’s milk serum and  has a firm, slightly grainy texture. It contains half the salt in cottage cheese, twice the calcium and zinc, and four times the vitamin A.

Often used as an ingredient in processed foods, such as toppings and desserts.

How to choose the healthiest cheese?

Cheese for health.

The healthiest cheese doctors recommend for daily consumption is reduced in fat, calories, and salt. It preserves the vitamins and minerals it contains naturally, but reduces the consumption of other components harmful to health.

Those with more fat and calories are Parmesan, Provolone, and Camembert. The ones that give less cholesterol are cottage cheese and mozzarella. They are low in calories.

Key to including cheese in the diet

Cheese has traditionally been a food that people are used to eating. It is almost impossible to think of going without this food for those who have consumed it all their life.

It is not necessary to stop eating it. The key is to incorporate the healthiest ones by following certain principles that will keep this food present, thus avoiding harming our health.

  • For adults, the recommendation is to eat around 30 grams per day maximum.
  • Choose cheeses that are low in fat and low in salt. Today, the dairy industry markets cheeses with lower percentages of fat and sodium.

The healthiest cheeses are considered to be fromage frais and ricotta.

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