What Is “momnesia” Or Maternal Amnesia?

“What was I going to do in the kitchen?” “I have a blank.” “Where are my keys ?”. Forgetting is normal during pregnancy and after childbirth. Can we therefore speak of amnesia of mothers?

Many women complain about their memory, or rather their memory loss, when they become pregnant. Is momnesia , or mother’s amnesia, a myth or a reality?

Different research, including one published in the journal Nature Neuroscience , has highlighted the existence of different changes in the brains of expectant mothers.

These restructurings begin during pregnancy and are still observed during the first two years after childbirth. Is it true that mothers suffer from  momnesia ? Let’s find out in this article.

The momnésie , amnesia mothers, is it real?

A large proportion of pregnant women say they are more distracted than usual. Losing their cell phone or keys, forgetting to buy something at the supermarket, to cook or to go to a work date are some of the situations these women report as “common” during the second and second. third trimester of pregnancy.

Is this memory loss related to pregnancy? The reality is that the term momnesia or mother’s amnesia was not coined by science, but rather comes from a form of Anglo-Saxon slang.

Experts admit that some women experience memory loss that could be linked to hormonal changes. This phenomenon could simply be due to worrying about their pregnancy, leaving out minor issues in their minds. In addition, after childbirth, mothers’ exhaustion could cause these little oversights.

Decreased gray matter in mothers

This sentence sounds wrong, but according to a study from the University of Deakin (Australia) published in the Medical Journal of Australia , the volume of gray matter decreases during pregnancy. The researchers looked at 20 studies comparing the cognitive functions of 709 pregnant women and 521 non-pregnant women.

The results showed that pregnant women had poorer cognitive and memory functions than those who were not. However, more research is needed to talk about the actual existence of maternal amnesia.

The forgetfulness of a young mother

While more research is needed to corroborate or disprove the existence of momnesia , a 2010 study suggested that hormonal changes experienced by the expectant mother may be responsible for the decrease in memory.

Such hormonal changes would help the mother adjust to the need to keep her child alive and healthy. The brain is supposed to select the weakest connections and eliminate them in order to focus on what is really important. In this case, the emotional connection and the response to the needs of the baby.

What is momnesia , maternal amnesia?

As we have seen, there is no conclusive data that can assure that pregnant women and new mothers suffer from reduced memory. However, many women argue that this is the case.

Data from another study support the hypothesis that pregnancy affects a woman’s ability to perform certain tasks. These are in particular those related to spatial memory.

These omissions could be related to the high levels of hormones in the body of the expectant mother. These are mainly prolactin and progesterone. Now let’s look at some common situations that usually occur in those who suffer from momnesia . We will further observe those related to spatial memory mentioned above:

  • Put the laundry to wash and forget to hang it
  • Open the door and forget the keys outside
  • Going to the supermarket and not remembering what to buy
  • Forget about foods in the oven or those cooking on the gas stove, until they are burnt
  • Want to do something and forget before doing the task

How to fight against momnesia ?

If you feel like you’ve been more distracted since you got pregnant, don’t worry! It happens to a lot of women. To fight against maternal amnesia, we advise you to:

  • Take note of your commitments and don’t go shopping without a shopping list.
  • Asking for help : don’t try to do it all alone.
  • Try to rest : We know it’s not easy when you have a baby at home, but remember that your health is more important than a shiny house! Sleep when the baby is resting too.
  • Make time for yourself : Have your partner take care of the baby so you can relax. Do something for you.
  • To exercise.
  • Do jigsaw puzzles or memory games.
  • Eat a balanced diet : Your brain needs all the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Did you recognize yourself in any of the examples we have given? So, you are probably experiencing a phase of momnesia. Although science has yet to validate this term and the data collected is inconclusive, most women argue that it is a reality.

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