What Are The Good Reasons To Stop Consuming Sugar?

If we cannot do without a sweet snack, we can favor natural elements like stevia or honey, which give us sweetness while being healthier.

Sugar is a very ancient product extracted from sugar cane. It is said to be cultivated in India and known to the Greeks and Romans as Indian honey. Yet the Chinese knew about the process of extracting and refining sugar cane long before. What is the point of stopping consuming sugar?

Did you know that today all carbohydrates that dissolve easily in water are called sugar? They are colorless, odorless, normally crystallizable, and all have a sweet taste.

Sugar is a highly addictive substance like drugs. In general, it causes considerable damage in our organism. When we consume sugar, the immune system weakens for 6 hours which exposes us more to germs and viruses. Additionally, sugar reduces our cravings for nutritious foods like vegetables, which leads to nutritional deficiencies.

What causes excess sugar in our body?


Excess consumption of sugar is the main culprit for the majority of diseases that develop in our body. The sugar that we consume on a daily basis is artificially made and does not contain any vitamins or minerals that our body needs.

This is why sugar does not bring us anything from a nutritional point of view. It even robs the body of the minerals and vitamins it needs. This can therefore cause damage to the metabolic processes of our body, since excess sugar has many consequences on our health (one of the best known being diabetes).

Good reasons not to consume sugar

  • Sugar can be addictive, like cocaine according to Dr Robert Lustig (endocrinologist). Dr. Mehmet Oz recently wrote that when you ingest sugar, the release of dopamine is stimulated in the brain, which generates pleasure.
  • Consuming excess sugar increases the risk of developing cancer. It is one of the causes of obesity and high insulin levels, which cause cancer cells to reproduce.
  • Consuming sugar is bad for the heart. When you are on a diet, you may think that everything you eat is healthy, but the sugary foods included in the diet can be harmful. Some studies suggest that diets that are high in sugar or contain too much glycemic load have a higher risk of developing heart disease. Excess sugar is the cause of the rise in triglycerides in the blood. This is because it is a type of fat that stores additional calories from sugar and lowers protective cholesterol levels.
  • Sugar can damage the liver, which is a complex organ. It is he who mainly stores glucose in the form of glycogen. When you ingest sugary foods or drinks, your blood sugar rises and secretes insulin. This forces the liver to mass produce glycogen. Then the liver will convert the excess sugar (glycogen) into fat.

Other reasons to stop consuming sugar

  • It can damage the brain. Indeed, some preliminary studies indicate that blood sugar can atrophy the areas responsible for memory in the brain.
  • Too much sugar can cause acne. The link between diet and acne is controversial. But some studies have shown the correlation between diets high in blood sugar levels and acne. These diets are often high in sugars since high blood sugar levels can release hormones that cause fat to secrete, which makes acne worse.
  • When we consume a lot of sugar, the bacteria in the mouth feed on it. This greatly increases the risk of getting cavities.

To finish…


Here we have covered the reasons why it is bad to consume sugar. Refraining from this harmful food can preserve our health and prevent us from contracting many diseases caused by this substance. This is why it is important to educate ourselves well on the doses and the ways to consume it.

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