Uses And Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide

You probably think that hydrogen peroxide is only a basic item of medicine that serves to disinfect wounds. You are far from reality.

The multiple uses and benefits of hydrogen peroxide will leave you speechless. Read this article to learn more.

Uses and benefits of hydrogen peroxide

H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent which is composed only of water and oxygen. It thus kills pathogenic microorganisms. This is why it is considered the safest and most effective natural disinfectant.

However, the applications and benefits of hydrogen peroxide can be multiple. Maybe you don’t know them …

Launder clothes

Add a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a machine to white clothes to prevent them from turning yellow with time. It is also used to remove blood stains from carpets. Pour in directly, let sit for a minute, then scrub with a brush and rinse with cold water.

Detoxifying and rejuvenating bath

Use a few spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a tub of lukewarm water. Bathe in it for half an hour and add hot water to enjoy a better temperature. This will eliminate microorganisms that accumulate on your skin and that can trigger disease.

Uses and benefits of hydrogen peroxide: relaxing bath

Treat yeast infection on the feet

Spray a mixture of the same doses of hydrogen peroxide and tap water on your feet. Apply it well between fingers and to nails every night and wait for it to dry on its own.

If you have chronic infections, put two scoops of hydrogen peroxide in warm distilled water. Then apply this on your feet once or twice a week.

Do colon irrigations or enemas

Add a cup of H2O2 to some 15 liters of water (for colon irrigations). And mix a spoonful of H2O2 with a quart of warm distilled water for enemas.

Avoid  infections

Pour a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the infection, wound or cut, several times a day.

Treat infections caused by dust mites

If you have this problem, you can spray the skin with pure hydrogen peroxide every hour.

Relieve sinus infections

Mix a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide in a cup of non-chlorine water. Then pour this into a container to use as a nasal spray.

Rinse and take care of your mouth

Put a small capful of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth and keep it for 10 minutes, without swallowing. You will thus eliminate and avoid canker sores and wounds. Your teeth will be whiter and the possibility of cavities will be greatly reduced.

Many people use the benefits of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash after brushing their teeth. You can also make a homemade toothpaste with sodium bicarbonate and H2O2 and even submerge your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide to disinfect it of any germs.

Having anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, it can help in some cases of toothache.

Lighten hair

Hydrogen peroxide also helps to make hair lighter. Dilute in water (50/50) and sprinkle this mixture on the hair after the shower. The result is light and you completely avoid the risk of going platinum blonde.

Uses and benefits of hydrogen peroxide: lighten hair

Disinfect contact lenses

If you find yourself unable to purchase the optician’s solution, you can reap the benefits of H2O2 which helps break down the proteins that build up on the contact lens. It is ideal for people who have eyes sensitive to liquids.

To do the housework

You will kill germs and leave a pleasant smell in the house. Put hydrogen peroxide on a cloth or cloth that you use to clean or put it in the liquid that you usually use. You can also use it to clean windows and mirrors.

Likewise, if you apply a spoonful of this water in the dishwasher, your dishes will come out brighter. It is also very good for disinfecting the bathroom as a replacement for chemical disinfectants.

One of the other benefits of hydrogen peroxide mixed with vinegar is its disinfectant power. It is a powerful, economical, natural and effective mixture. Use it to disinfect fruit and toys, including shoes, towels, or bathroom walls.

Fight acne

It is a very effective home remedy for people who have pimples on their face. After washing your face with water and neutral soap, apply a little hydrogen peroxide with a cotton ball.

You can put it on blackheads or the entire face, although care should be taken as H2O2 can be irritating and dry the skin a bit. Apply twice a week.

Treat throat pain

If you gargle the hydrogen peroxide, you will relieve the discomfort in the throat. Mix ¼ cup of lukewarm water with ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide and make mouthwashes and gargles without swallowing. It will also help you prevent the flu or colds, as it kills bacteria that can cause disease.

Remove melasma (or pregnancy mask)

It is a problem that affects many women. Apply a cotton ball of hydrogen peroxide to the infected parts and leave to act for a few hours. Rinse off and put on a good moisturizer. Do not hesitate to use a bleacher or a high protection factor when you go out on the street as a preventive measure.

Wash the ears

Mix a drop of hydrogen peroxide with a little lukewarm water and remove wax from the ears more easily.

We have presented to you some of the multiple uses and benefits of hydrogen peroxide. Do not hesitate to use it on a daily basis.

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