Two Ingredients To Cleanse Your Body Of Parasites

Besides causing digestive problems, intestinal parasites can affect us on other levels and even affect our morale and cause nervousness and l ‘anxiety.

Thousands of people hold the misconception that intestinal parasites are found exclusively in third world countries or in animals.

However, it has been shown to be not true. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 3,000 people are infected. 

Today, it is one of the main reasons for medical consultations, although many suffer from it and are unaware of it due to the lack of symptoms.

Problems arise when parasites have the perfect environment to proliferate and have within reach the substances necessary for their survival.

In this article, we are going to reveal more information about intestinal parasites and give you a simple treatment to get rid of them.

What are intestinal parasites?

Parasites are microorganisms that live inside or on another organism and feed on it. As the name suggests, intestinal parasites live in the intestines of humans or other mammals.

Usually, these are protozoa (like Giardia ) or worms (like pinworms or tapeworms) that enter the body through contaminated water or food.

Children are often the most affected, but everyone is at risk of contracting them when they are exposed to poor sanitary conditions.

What are the symptoms of a parasitic infection?

Symptoms of parasites.

Often the symptoms of parasitic infections are difficult to diagnose because they are easily confused with other conditions. 

However, it is important to take this into account to provide them with timely treatment.

The most common are the following:

  • Lack of or excess appetite (with body weight imbalances)
  • Sleep disturbances and the feeling of fatigue
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Eye inflammation
  • Food allergies and intolerances, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea
  • Difficulties in digesting
  • Irritable bowel syndrome and recurrent stomach pain
  • Itching around the tip of the nose, eyes and anal area
  • Regular headaches
  • Acne breakouts and pimples
  • Muscle cramps and numbness in the hands and feet

How to eliminate parasites with only two ingredients?

When faced with the symptoms of intestinal parasites, it is best to consult a doctor to receive the correct diagnosis.

If their presence in the body is confirmed, it is essential to modify your diet and reduce the consumption of sugars and processed foods as much as possible.

In addition, as an adjunct to treatment, natural solutions can be prepared which support digestive function without causing adverse effects.

This is the case with a natural remedy made from cloves and flax seeds, which has become popular thanks to its effectiveness against these microorganisms.

It contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiparasitic active ingredients, which help relieve this type of infection before more serious problems arise.

The benefits of cloves

Treatment of parasites.

Cloves have analgesic, anti-spasmodic and antibacterial properties. They contain a substance called eugenol, which prevents blood clotting and heart problems.

It provides nutrients such as:

  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Omega 3 fatty acids

They are used in treatments to treat:

  • Diarrhea
  • Infections like cholera
  • Tuberculosis
  • Malaria
  • Yeast infections and bacterial diseases

The benefits of flax seeds

Flax seeds are “super foods” thanks to their great nutritional value. 

They contain essential fatty acids, dietary fibers and a large amount of antioxidants which promote digestive functions.

The seeds have a great absorption capacity which enhances the elimination of toxins accumulated in the colon.

They are also very gentle on the stomach and act as food for the bacterial flora.

How to prepare this remedy with cloves and flax seeds?

This method of cleansing with cloves and flax seeds not only eliminates intestinal parasites but also promotes weight loss. 


  • 1 tablespoon of cloves (12 g)
  • 10 tablespoons of flax seeds (100 g)


  • Put the two ingredients in a small coffee grinder and powder them.

Way of consuming

  • Take two tablespoons of this powder in the morning.
  • You can mix the product in lukewarm water or with breakfast.
  • Consume 3 to 7 days in a row, rest the same number of days and start again.
  • Repeat every three months and whenever you think it is necessary.
  • For best results, consume plenty of water on treatment days.

Finally, do not forget to strengthen your hygiene measures to avoid contact with these microorganisms. 

If you have pets in your home, deworm them periodically, following veterinary advice, because they too are affected by a risk of infection.

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