Tips To Fight Against Insomnia

It is not advisable to go to bed with electronic devices, whether it is the phone or the tablet, because the brightness of the screen stimulates the brain.

It has happened at least once to us all to turn over and over in our bed, without being able to fall asleep. What to do in these cases? What to do when we can’t sleep? How to fight against insomnia? In the following article, we will give you some interesting tips.

Changes in the circadian rhythm sometimes prevent us from getting to sleep. Insomnia can also be due to other reasons such as stress, worry, anxiety, hunger etc.

When we can’t fall asleep, our mind starts to think about the clock, creating a vicious cycle where hours and minutes go by without us being able to sleep. When we finally fall asleep, the alarm goes off and it is already time to get up.

Why is it bad to interrupt our sleep?

When we wake up during the night, we have a hard time getting back to sleep, which weakens our body. Simply put, the immune system suffers the most.

Lack of sleep can cause accelerated tumor growth, pre-diabetic conditions, induce eating disorders (especially obesity), affect memory, cause concentration problems, interfere with exercise physical and mental, and decrease the ability to solve certain tasks, etc.

Morning fatigue

When our sleep is interrupted, the body produces a smaller amount of a hormone called melatonin. In turn, this causes imbalances like stress, heart disease, stomach ulcers, constipation, and depression.

Tips: what to do to fight against insomnia?

If insomnia is preventing you from getting optimal rest, we recommend the following options:

Don’t think about your problems

It might be something you have to finish at work, an argument with your partner, bills to pay, the mortgage, wedding expenses, etc. You have to try to keep all of these thoughts away from your mind, as they are only going to turn your brain on. 

So you can’t get to sleep. Rather, try to imagine a scene that relaxes you, such as a beach, a stream, a river, or a forest. These images should ideally be accompanied by sounds to make them more real, as if you were there.

Don’t make plans

You might think that you can take advantage of this free time when you are not sleeping to imagine your future. This ranges from making the shopping list to planning your life alongside your loved one. Do not fall into this trap, because the result is the same as if you were thinking about your problems. Concentrate only on the idea that you want, and need to sleep. You will thus avoid having to endure insomnia.


Get up for a little while

Get out of bed, and do a relaxing activity like taking a good bath. You can also take the opportunity to read a book, but in this case, it is best to keep your head on the pillow. 

You’ll see, your eyelids will soon be heavy, unless it’s the most interesting story in the world written by your favorite author. Some people advise doing a repetitive activity, such as playing Sudoku. The lights should always be dimmed, and limit your activity to a maximum of half an hour.

Avoid electronic devices

Whether it’s your cell phone, TV, computer, or tablet. All these devices will only excite your mind, just as if you were thinking about your problems or your plans.

The brightness of the screens confuses the brain that it is time to wake up and get up. In summary, avoid all activities that can stimulate your mind, whether it’s video games or chat conversations.

disadvantages of electronic devices on sleep

Be careful what you drink

Some people say that drinking tea relaxes them, others say the same about coffee. But what is certain is that these drinks contain respectively theine and caffeine, two stimulants which, although they have a tranquilizing effect at first, will sooner or later have the opposite effect. Try not to drink coffee or tea before going to bed.

How to avoid having trouble sleeping

If you often wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall asleep again, you may be making mistakes when you go to bed. To avoid insomnia, try to:

  • Sleep in a very dark place or put on a mask,
  • Maintain the temperature of your room at 21 ° on average (whatever the time of year),
  • Check that there are no electromagnetic fields in your room (electrical appliances on),
  • Move your alarm clock or cell phone away from your bed,

promote sleep

  • Use an alarm clock that doesn’t make noise,
  • Use your bed only for sleeping, never for work or eating,
  • Have a room for you and your partner, one for the children, and don’t sleep with your pets,
  • Go to bed as early as possible, and get your body used to falling asleep at this time,
  • Stick to your sleep schedule,
  • Establish a routine before going to bed (brush your teeth, get your clothes ready for the next day, tidy your room, etc.),
  • Stop drinking liquids two hours before going to bed,
  • Go to the bathroom a few minutes before going to bed,
  • Eat a protein sandwich or fruit three hours before bedtime,
  • Avoid eating foods that contain sugars, fats, or grains,
  • Take a warm bath before going to bed,
  • Put on socks to keep your body temperature,
  • Stop working two hours before going to bed,
  • Stop watching TV or your computer screen an hour before going to bed,
  • Listen to relaxing music on your way to bed,
  • Read a spiritual or personal development aid book in bed,
  • Do not drink alcohol or coffee.

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