The Uses Of Coffee In Beauty Treatments

Olive oil adds extra moisture to your hair, making it shinier and easier to disentangle.

Many voices are raised against this drink so popular around the world. Some say coffee is good for you, some say it isn’t. But did you know that there are different uses for coffee in cosmetics?

Thus in the case of local and external use, no one doubts its good effects. This is also why it is used in feminine aesthetics and why it is an integral part of treatments, creams and lotions.

Discover here the benefits of the uses of coffee for beauty.

Coffee properties

It is one of the most consumed drinks in the world: an excuse to meet up with friends, to chat after dinner, an excellent ally for waking up in the morning or during a loss of energy at work.

Coffee contains many beneficial properties for our body. Its high caffeine content burns fat, reducing pounds, size and eliminating cellulite.

For external use, coffee is a natural and very effective exfoliant, as its ground beans stimulate cell renewal. It has an anti-inflammatory effect which calms the skin when it is irritated and reddened.

It has astringent properties that eliminate bad odors and also allows deep cleaning. It is also a natural antioxidant which protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals and generates premature aging.

Some say that you should consume three cups of coffee per day (about 500 mg of caffeine), to stimulate concentration, attention, learning and memory.

It is also said to fight depression, prevent drowsiness and bring energy and a feeling of happiness.

In the beauty industry, coffee is used to improve the appearance, especially feminine. Some beauty products or treatments have coffee beans as their main ingredients, which are used to reaffirm, reduce and define the curves.

In some beauty centers, “cafeteria” is offered, which revitalizes the skin with a whitening peel using a coffee-based facial mask. 

It allows you to do a great cleansing, dermabrasion, exfoliation etc. The result is fresher, more hydrated, younger and softer skin.

Coffee and cellulite

Most treatments that have coffee as the main component are used to treat a problem that affects most (if not all) women around the world.

Coffee has unique properties to remove the hated “orange peel”. Thanks to the caffeine it contains, it can easily break down the fat cells that accumulate in the skin. It also helps reactivate circulation, increase the levels of “fat burning” molecules, have an excellent lipolitic effect, etc.

It is for all these reasons that coffee is the anti-cellulite par excellence.

Many store-bought reducing gels contain coffee in their ingredients. However, it should be noted that caffeine alone does not work wonders.

Other factors have an impact on the curves of the body. This is the case with consistency, compromises, exercises, a good diet and 2 liters of water per day.

If you don’t want to buy these products, you can make coffee cellulite easily and quickly at home.

Take the leftover coffee and apply it to the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms etc. That is to say on those areas where you have cellulite. Always massage with upward circular motions to activate the circulation and you will gradually remove those unpleasant little pits.

Another option is to grind the grains and apply them with a little water, cover with stretch wrap for a few minutes, then rinse.

Uses of coffee to eliminate dark circles

Apart from the properties mentioned above, it has been verified that coffee gives good results in the treatment of dark circles and dark spots under the eyes.

Thus, among the uses of coffee, it is a perfect ally for beauty. The reason for its effectiveness is the same as for cellulite: it activates blood circulation.

Dark circles appear on the face precisely because the blood cannot circulate freely, because of a lack of sleep, too much consumption of alcoholic drinks, poor diet, excessive work etc.

Coffee to eliminate dark circles
The caffeine will help decongest the area. You can prepare coffee compresses and apply them under your eyes (or on closed eyes), for a few minutes.

Take the opportunity to rest a little, to take a hot bath, to listen to comforting music etc. There are several concealer products on the market that have coffee as their main component.

Coffee as a body scrub

Exfoliate the skin

Among the uses of coffee, the application of ground coffee on the body is used to eliminate dead cells, using different types of “peels”. It is thus used both as a face mask and as a body mask.

These masks are very easy to make. It is then necessary to make circular massages on the skin to make it softer, shiny and clean.

A good homemade coffee mask recipe is made by mixing two tablespoons of plain yogurt, a tablespoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of ground coffee.

First, apply the mixture in an ascending and circular fashion on the skin. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and remove with lukewarm water. Then, don’t forget to hydrate with whatever cream you like: nutritious, hydrating, homemade or not.

So you now know that you shouldn’t throw coffee in the trash when you have finished filtering it.

Take advantage of its benefits to reduce cellulite and dark circles, to eliminate skin, to exfoliate the face and therefore to heal your appearance.

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