The Best Exercises For Relieving The Sciatic Nerve

Be careful while doing the exercises so as not to worsen your condition. Walking is an activity that does not require prior training and is recommended for relieving sciatica pain.

The sciatic nerve is a very long nerve that runs from the lower back to the leg. Sciatica is a severe pain that affects the sciatic nerve.

This problem occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated due to compression of two discs. 

Sciatica is not viewed as a disease but as a clear symptom of a health problem, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.

Sciatic nerve pain is very bothersome and can prevent a person from performing daily activities for a long time. This can last up to 8 weeks.

Fortunately, there are exercises that help relieve this pain and make it go away faster. Discover the best exercises for relieving the sciatic nerve here.

General exercises to relieve the sciatic nerve

While usually a day or two of rest is sometimes enough to make the pain go away, the best way to fight it is to follow a good exercise routine. Performing movements that work the affected area can improve the problem.

Likewise, a prolonged period of inactivity worsens this condition. That is why it is very important to do exercises that aim to strengthen the affected areas. It is necessary to strengthen the back and the discs of the spine.

If you go to the doctor, he is very likely to send you to the physiotherapist. However, you can adopt a home exercise routine. This exercise routine should include the following exercises. 

Muscle strength exercises

Exercises that aim to strengthen the  abdominals and back muscles help reduce pain in the sciatic nerve.

We recommend that you adopt a gentle strengthening routine combined with stretching exercises.

Exercises according to the diagnosis

The specialist will give you an exercise routine that will adapt to the underlying cause of the sciatica pain you are suffering from. It can be a herniated disc or a stenosis of the spinal canal.

It is therefore important to consider the diagnosis, as improper exercise can make your condition worse and increase pain.


Stretching relieves the sciatic nerve

A good routine for relieving sciatica pain, regardless of the cause, should include the following stretching exercises:

  • piriformis muscle
  • lower back
  • ischio-tibial muscles

Specific exercises to relieve sciatica

The ideal is to perform an exercise routine based on the cause of the pain in the sciatic nerve.  

Sciatica derived from a herniated disc  

  • Extension
  • Back flexions
  • Upper back extension
  • Abdominals

Sciatica derived from spinal canal stenosis

  • Dorsiflexion exercises
  • On the back, legs reels in the void
  • Abdominals

Sciatica due to degenerative disc problems: 

  • On the back, legs reels in the void
  • Bridge exercise

Low impact aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise will also help relieve pain. In general, they help preserve health.

One of the best back exercises is walking. A thirty minute walk every day has tremendous health benefits and is worth a session of aerobic exercise.

When your condition improves, you can increase your efforts by cycling or brisk walking, for example.

Some information to take into account

Exercises to relieve the sciatic nerve

  • Generally, it is recommended that you learn these exercises with the help of a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist, chiropractor, or naturopath.
  • It is important to maintain correct posture when walking or sitting.
  • Excessive calorie consumption should be avoided, as excess weight can make this condition worse.

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