The 6 Best Fat Burning Fruits

There are some fat burning fruits that help you lose weight.

Many people think that fruits are not helpful in losing weight and burning fat, since they are very energetic and contain natural sugars. There are, however, fat-burning fruits.

Indeed, the fruits absolutely do not make you fat. They are very healthy natural products.

What is certain is that they are much healthier than all of the “light” products on the market.

The differences between natural sugars and processed sugars 

Since they contain natural sugars (fructose, a sugar with five carbon atoms), fruits give us energy.

But this sugar is not the one that accumulates in our body. Indeed, our body knows how to break it down well, and stores it as a sugar with six carbon atoms if we consume it in excess.

The calories you want to burn to eliminate this natural sugar contained in fruit are much more numerous in natural fruit than in products marked “light”, which are processed or refined.

This is because industrial products can be very low in calories. However, the body does not have much work to do to digest them, and it does not burn any calories in the process. This is purely logical reasoning.

To know exactly if you are burning more calories than you ingest, you need to know the calories you are spending during the digestive process.

By eating fresh fruit, you will burn more of it than by consuming industrial products.

All the fruits and vegetables that you can eat will help you burn fat and lose weight.

It is advisable to eat them raw, and to choose them of good quality. 

The fat-burning fruits you need to have in your home 

Coconut among fat-burning fruits

  • Grapefruit:  some time ago, it was very fashionable to make diets only based on grapefruit.
    This has somewhat damaged the reputation of this fruit, however so beneficial.
    A grapefruit, or pomelo, eaten on an empty stomach every day can boost your metabolism. It can also make your kidneys work dramatically.
    The acids it contains cleanse your body of accumulated toxins. All citrus fruits are good for you, but grapefruit is the best.
  • Blueberries:  they are great allies of your body because they have the ability to decrease body fat, but also to improve arterial health, and control diabetes.
    A very easy way to incorporate them into your everyday life is to have a bowl of them, along with yogurt and cereal, every night.
    Numerous studies have shown that these berries contain antioxidants which help flush toxins from the body and prevent excess fat storage.
  • Coconut:  the triglycerides contained in coconut accelerate the metabolism of the liver by about 30%.
    This allows the body to work more, to improve its digestion. But also to burn a lot more calories.

Following the fat-burning fruits

  • You can consume this fruit in the form of milk, water, or oil to vary the pleasures.
    Plus, grated or dried coconut easily blends into many smoothies, or fruit mixes.
    Replace the cow’s milk that you pour into your coffee with coconut milk: your drink will taste better, and much healthier.
  • Tomatoes: This fruit contains a large amount of water, vitamin C and phytonutrients.
    These last two components are very powerful fat-burning elements. The tomato also has a strong antioxidant power.
    There are many varieties of this fruit, and you can make different recipes with: salads, stuffing, etc.
    You should consume it two to three times a week.
  • Bananas:  they are fat-burning fruits abused by public opinion.
    However, they are essential for any good diet, and you should eat one per day.
    The potassium they contain is essential for the proper functioning of the muscles.
    They also have many natural fibers, which makes it possible to quickly reach a state of satiety, and to burn fat more efficiently.
  • Avocado:  Even though you might not believe it, avocado is one of the best fat burning fruits because it contains excellent natural fats.
    It helps regulate blood glucose, and control triglyceride levels.
    Try adding it directly to salads, or sandwiches.
    If you prefer it as an aperitif, prepare a good guacamole, or a “pico de gallo”, a Mexican dish that also contains jalapeño peppers which are very useful for burning fat.

Mango pico de gallo

Here is the tasty recipe made with jalapeño peppers:


  • 1 cup chopped mango
  • ½ yellow onion, chopped
  • ½ cup seedless tomato
  • 3 or 4 fresh jalapeño peppers, chopped seedless
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ½ cup chopped cilantro
  • 1 avocado

How to proceed ?

Mix all the ingredients, and enjoy!

The advice we can give you is to include at least two of the fat-burning fruits in your diet, then eat the ones you like the most.

Remember to always eat them raw, and very fresh. Thus, you will win the battle against your extra pounds very easily with these fat-burning fruits!

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