The 5 Steps To Applying Abundance To Your Life

We live in a world of conflicting values. Abundance can be defined differently depending on who you are talking to. But if we come back to the fundamentals, to simplicity, there is a real abundance, simple and natural.

Why don’t we learn to stop craving what we don’t have and start enjoying other, much more important forms of abundance, such as gratitude for what we already have?

Abundance is the wonderful ability to give importance to inner greatness before our deficiencies.

It’s thanking everything we have. In this way, we can be much more sensitive to opportunities and thus achieve prosperity.

This seemingly simple idea actually has very concrete aspects to think about.

We live in a society where the accumulation of things and goods is synonymous with success. Likewise, being physically perfect is also synonymous with social success.

Where have we come to? Why does the teenager who doesn’t own the latest trendy phone get frustrated? Why do we hate each other when our bodies don’t have the ideal measurements?

Maybe we are approaching our reality in the wrong way.

It is necessary to reformulate many of our thought patterns to allow us to be freer, more sensitive to what really matters.

We suggest you think about this. Below, we invite you to reflect on these 5 dimensions which, without a doubt, will be of great help to you in having a full and happy life.

1. Manage your need for artificial abundance

artificial abundance

We all seek to cover those dimensions that shape the cements of Maslow’s famous pyramid on human needs.

  • Aspects like the security of a home, the resources with which to feed, clothe and develop in our life cycle to take care of our health and physical well-being is, without a doubt, something essential. , priority.
  • Nowadays, in our modern societies an aspect that we all know is present: consumerism.
  • We live in a reality or very often we put aside what we already have to focus our interest on what we lack.

And what we sometimes lack is only a latest generation phone, a more elegant car, the latest trendy clothes …

  • All of this gives way to what we talked about before: success or status.

We want what others have to make us feel integrated, to be part of this artificial homeostasis so common in our world.

Think about it . Ask yourself if your current needs are artificial or if they meet a real deficiency, a concrete emotional lack and far removed from this consumerism.

2. Learn to practice gratitude

One way to give way to discovering our authentic abundance is to be grateful for what we already have. This is something that often escapes us, something that we do not give the deserved value:

  • First of all, thank your own integrity, your own existence. It is wonderful to live and exist in this world. And every day that we have in front of us, there are new opportunities to be happy.
  • Be able to realize the magnitudes that you have around you. Your family and friends, for example, are great treasures that offer you your authentic daily abundance.

3. Abundance is one of the simplest and most basic things in this life.

elemental abundance

Abundance isn’t about having a checking account with lots of zeros.

Nor is it about accumulating friends on our social networks or collecting clothes in our closet, jewelry in our chests or cars in our garages.

  • The secret of happiness lies in knowing how to appreciate the simplest and most elementary things that arise in our daily life. A good time shared with a friend, doing something good and feeling proud of ourselves, going for a walk alone and enjoying nature …

This is where the true abundance is indeed.

4. Stop focusing your life on lack

We know that applying this mental pattern in our daily life is not easy. It is not because we live, whether we like it or not, in a time of lack.

  • Dignified work does not abound, social inequalities are the common ingredient in the majority of capitals around the world.
  • Having your own home is often a privilege or an aspiration that requires great sacrifices or investments.
  • We are missing a lot, we know that. Your body may not be perfect, your partner may not be ideal, and your job may not allow you to show the full extent of your skills and abilities.
  • However, there is one thing we need to keep in mind: we cannot focus our life ONLY on what we lack. If we do, then we will flood our reality with deep dissatisfaction.

Value what you already have, thank it, and look hopefully at your reality. It is full of opportunities and you will only be able to see it if you feel worthy, peaceful and in high self-esteem.

5. Foster a different kind of consciousness oriented towards prosperity

What do we mean by prosperity? Prosperity is allowing a stage inhabited by the positive to occur, by the confirmation of dreams, desires and hopes.

Inner abundance is, without a doubt, the step to get there.

It is because it is only when we are sure of ourselves, full of self-love, respectful of ourselves and with strong self-esteem, that we will move the gears to achieve this dimension.

Let’s put it into practice: let’s learn to develop our abundance, that which is in us.

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