Swollen Eyelids: Causes And Treatments

Swollen eyelids are not only a cosmetic problem, but can also be a reflection of an important pathology.

At some point in your life, you’ve probably had swollen eyelids. This is a very common situation, which, besides a simple aesthetic problem, can be the consequence of many pathologies. In fact, many of them can be metabolic or immune in origin.

The eyelids are a part of our body formed by the skin, muscles, and mucous membrane that cover the eyes. Their main function is to protect the eye from any agent that could injure it. They also allow the eyeball to stay moist at all times.

It is true that with aging, eyelids tend to lose their consistency. This is why it is typical for older people to have swollen eyelids or bags under the eyes. The same is true when fatigue and stress accumulate.

However, there are many other causes for this to happen and it is important to spot them in time. In this article, we explain the main reasons why you may have swollen eyelids and how to treat them.

Why do swollen eyelids appear?

As we have already mentioned, swollen eyelids are very common. This is a situation that increases particularly with age. Indeed, over the years, all tissues tend to weaken, including those of the eyelids.

Another main reason is fatigue and lack of sleep. Not getting good rest hurts our whole body, especially the appearance of our face and eyes. The same goes for bad habits like drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana.

Swollen eyelids are also a result of excessive fluid retention. This could be due to a circulatory problem such as high blood pressure or eating too much salt.

People with allergies often suffer from this problem. This can manifest itself as well in a mild allergic reaction – that of spring, for example, in people allergic to pollen – as in severe forms. In fact, anaphylactic reactions are characterized, among other signs, by swelling of the eyelids.

It should also be noted that swelling of the eyelids can be a symptom of an infection. Logically, this also appears after a blow to the area, whether during a fight or any other type of trauma.

Finally, another common cause is the stye. These are glands located on the edge of the eyelid that become infected. They are called Meibomian glands. It is usually accompanied by pain and redness.

A woman with swollen eyelids.
The upper and lower eyelids may be swollen.

What is the treatment for swollen eyelids?

Treatment for swollen eyelids depends on the cause. However, it remains true that there are general measures that can help prevent or improve most cases.

First of all, getting a good night’s sleep is very important. Scientists recommend sleeping around 8 hours a day. It is also essential to learn how to manage stress and anxiety, as they also influence the quality of sleep.

The idea is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by adopting a balanced diet. Controlling the amount of salt ingested helps improve fluid retention and circulation. It is also necessary to control alcohol consumption and avoid any other type of drug.

When, despite these measures, the eyelids remain swollen, it is best to see a doctor. If it is an allergic symptom, the swelling is most likely to go away with administration of an antihistamine or by moving away from the allergen.

For infections, the doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic to treat them. It can be given orally, but is most often given by eye drops or topically on the eyelid.

A woman cleaning her eyelids.
The healthcare professional will decide whether it is an allergy or an infection and will indicate the corresponding treatment.

The essential

Puffy eyelids are a fairly common problem. Along with something aesthetic related to aging, it can be a sign of fatigue and stress.

If this persists over time, it is best to see a doctor. They may be swollen as a symptom of an infection or an undiagnosed allergy. If the cause is known, the most suitable treatment can be found.

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