Surprising Factors That Cause Constipation

Did you know that stress, a sedentary lifestyle, or a poor diet are factors that can be the cause of constipation problems, as well as other digestive issues?

It is common to associate problems with constipation with a poor diet or genetics. However, there are other factors which influence this disorder which will undoubtedly surprise you.

Let’s see what are the unknown causes of constipation, so that we can solve this problem once and for all without resorting to laxatives.

Acute or chronic constipation 

When diagnosing and treating constipation, it is essential to identify whether it is a one-off disorder, caused by a temporary situation, or whether it is a health problem that has lasted for years.

In case of acute constipation, some natural remedies can be very effective from the first day:

  • chia seeds
  • flax seeds
  • dried plums
  • The kiwi
  • the apple with its skin
  • psyllium plantain
  • agar-agar

On the other hand, if you suffer from chronic constipation, analyze the factors that you will discover in this article, to determine which of them may have an influence on you.

Factors causing constipation

1. Nervousness and stress

woman under stress

When we are stressed or emotionally agitated by a situation that we cannot cope with, the nervous system changes, which negatively influences the general functioning of our body.

Our nerves affect our health to an unimaginable extent.

In these cases, the solution is not to take laxatives, but to balance the nervous system by following the following tips:

  • a varied diet, rich in raw fruits and vegetables, whole foods and good quality fats (avocado, dried fruits, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.)
  • Supplements that regulate the nervous system (brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, pollen, spirulina, magnesium, etc.)
  • relaxing medicinal plants: lemon balm, passionflower, valerian, lime)
  • relaxing therapies and exercises (massage, yoga, tai chi, stretching, dancing, etc.)

2. Protein deficiency

This factor is one of the most overlooked: a diet low in carbohydrates and protein can cause constipation, even if you are consuming fiber.

This can be a problem for vegetarians or vegans who do not have a balanced diet. However, the solution is not to start consuming a lot of protein, but to look for good quality sources.

Many foods of plant origin contain protein:

  • the vegetables
  • the dried fruit
  • seeds
  • the lawyer
  • whole grains

3. Too much meat consumption promotes constipation

Conversely, a diet too rich in meat and cold meats also promotes constipation, especially if you consume poor quality fats (frying, prepared meals) and little vegetable fiber.

In addition, meat rich in fat (red meat, cold meats) inflames the intestine and can cause cancer.

 4. Permanent dehydration

Drinking little water is bad for your health and can cause many problems such as, for example, constipation.

To pass stool, the body needs a certain degree of hydration. When the stool is shaped like small balls, it is very likely that the cause is dehydration.

5. High estrogen levels in women

woman who suffers from constipation

In women, estrogen hormone levels may be linked to chronic constipation.

To check this, see if this disorder goes away a few days before your period and even during your period, because at that time the estrogen level is very low.

One of the best remedies for regulating estrogen levels is pepper tree, which can be taken as an infusion or tablets.

6. A sedentary lifestyle promotes constipation 

Lack of exercise and spending most of the day sitting down has a very negative effect on peristaltic bowel movements.

You need to be active many times during the day, and more intense physical activity, at least twice a week.

7. Abuse of laxatives and drugs

Irritating laxatives and some types of drugs destroy the delicate bacterial flora of the intestine, and completely alter their function.

As soon as possible, you should replace these drugs with natural, non-irritating alternatives, while taking supplements for a while to regenerate the intestinal flora.

8. A fragile liver

When the liver is not working for some reason, liver disease or too many toxins in the body, bile salts prevent good bowel function.

Some remedies are very beneficial:

  • milk thistle
  • the boldo
  • artichoke
  • lemon juice with olive oil on an empty stomach

It would also be useful, what is more, to do a detox cure periodically.

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