Suppressing Your Anger Damages Your Liver

The problem with suppressing anger is that most people who do it are not aware of it, and therefore cannot make a connection. link to their physical and emotional suffering.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, blocked emotions affect our organs. In the case of pent up anger, our liver is the one that suffers the most. But why does suppressing your anger damage your liver?

In this article, we will explain to you why you should not suppress your anger. We will also give you remedies so that your liver can regain its natural balance.

Why does suppressing your anger affect you?

Every day we feel different emotions. Whether negative or positive, they are always related to the situations we live in, whether in a family or professional setting, for example.

However, people who suffer more from negative emotions, because of their personality or a difficult stage in which they are immersed, run the risk of suffering harmful consequences on a physical level.

The consequences of suppressing your anger are as follows:

  • The exaggerated joy: heart problems.
  • Anger: liver problems.
  • Concerns and obsessions: spleen problems.
  • Sadness: lung problems.
  • Fear: kidney problems.

These physical consequences can take the form of a certain discomfort or pain which, over the long term, can turn into chronic illnesses.

The imbalance that an organ may experience also affects the harmony of the rest of our body.

The liver and repressed anger

Some particularly sensitive people may feel very strongly that their pent-up anger is causing them tightness in the chest, such as a burning sensation. 

These sensations which, little by little, affect our liver, cause a blockage of our energy and prevent it from performing all its tasks correctly.

On the other hand, many people think that they are not suffering from their anger, because they are repressing it and are not aware of it.

Many negative emotions can also have the same consequences:

  • Resentment
  • Frustration
  • Irritability
  • Bitterness
  • The rancor
  • Anxiety

The first symptoms

Now you know that suppressing your anger gets you nowhere. If you have noticed that you have certain physical problems with your liver, you should realize that there is a good chance that it is related to suppressed anger.

Among the most common disorders are:

  • Poor digestion of fats.
  • Insomnia between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.
  • Pain under the ribs on the right side or, at the same height, on the right side of your back.
  • Vision problems.
  • An accentuation of crow’s feet wrinkles.
  • A yellowish tinge to the skin.
  • Dark spots on the face.

However, you should keep in mind that liver problems are also influenced by genetics, bad habits, stress and other factors.

However, if you suspect that your liver problems are genetic, you need to be careful that you are not simply reproducing the bad habits of your family members.


The first step in treating a health problem is to become aware of the origin of the disorder in question, as well as the factors which cause it.

In the case that interests us, it is fundamental to learn to detect our emotional reactions. It is necessary to determine whether we externalize them or if, on the contrary, we repress them. Realize that suppressing your anger is not the solution.

Repressed anger is difficult to discover until it becomes a clearly destabilizing element for our health.

As soon as you are aware of this, you need to be more attentive to the situations in your day-to-day which may be likely to provoke this emotional reaction.

Flower essences

Bach flowers can be very useful in combating this problem.

There are a variety of flower combinations out there. Here are the ones that can help you control your emotions and perceive them at the right time:

  • Agrimony (Agrimony): this floral essence allows us to exteriorize what we are repressing. You have to take into account that initially it can be unpleasant. However, you will eventually get used to it.
  • Holly (Holly): this essence helps us fight against anger, envy, jealousy. But also all the negative feelings more generally.
  • Willow (Willow): This essence is useful in curbing resentment and bitterness, especially in people who tend to suppress their feelings. It also calms people who tend to make others feel guilty and have pessimistic attitudes.

The ideal is to have these Bach flowers prescribed by a professional, so that they are perfectly suited to your needs and your personality.

Local application of heat

Here is another remedy that will help you rebalance your liver: the local application of heat.

You can make it with a hot water bottle or an electric mat. It should be applied directly to the area of ​​your liver, that is, just below your ribs, on the right side of your body.

The liver is an organ that tends to cool down when it is not functioning properly. In this way, you will directly heat it up, which will also improve your problems with insomnia, nervousness or tired eyesight.

You can do this every night, before going to bed, for 15 to 20 minutes.

There you are, now you know that it is necessary not to suppress your anger.

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