Sometimes Getting Lost Is The Best Way To Find Ourselves

It is normal that our mind needs to get lost in order to organize its ideas and thoughts, and to escape for a while from the reality that surrounds us and then comes back stronger.

Sometimes the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself,  and let go of certain attachments, suffocating environments and pressures that bring us stress and anxiety.

Getting lost is not synonymous with getting away from our rhythm of life. Rather, it is a matter of finding it, because we had lost it.

According to an interesting article published in the journal Psychology Today,  our brains regularly need something known as “brain vacations”.

It’s an interesting concept that we should learn to practice more often.

Its keys are simple: take a step beyond everything around you to have the opportunity to discover new things, and to access stimulating environments where you can discover yourself even more and return to your deepest essence.

Will you dare?

The courage to lose yourself and the pleasure of finding yourself

There are those who have never “lost” themselves in their life and, believe it or not, it is neither healthy nor rewarding.

The life cycle is never a straight line that leads us to a concrete and satisfying goal.

We tend to take trails, cross our paths, take shortcuts and even take roads that are not at all suitable.

Sometimes we go through a real maze until suddenly we reach happiness, balance, and satisfaction.

It is normal to get lost often in order to be able to find and reconnect with yourself.

All this is a courageous learning and that is why we should not be afraid of changes because sometimes they can open new doors for us to achieve even more personal fulfillment.

Getting lost to think.

When our current situation takes us away from our identity

We all know our values, our limits, our principles, our needs and our goals. 

Yet sometimes all of these dimensions erode over time, like the rocks on a beach shaped by the onslaught of the ocean.

  • Finally, it is impossible to recognize their original form, and their essences. With our self-esteem and our personality, it can be the same.
  • Our professional, family and emotional environments can sometimes blackmail us, exert a certain pressure and direct manipulation, or indirectly gradually distance us from our identity.
  • Realizing this inner dissonance between what we were before and what we are today is, without a doubt, a way of opening our eyes and realizing that these situations can become very dangerous.

It is clear that none of us can do “whatever we want, when we want”. We have obligations to fulfill, objectives to assume, and people to listen to.

However, the key is in balance. In perceiving that everything we do makes us happy.

To lose oneself in order to find oneself.

Getting lost to “disconnect” and think

There is one aspect that we should take into account.

People who suffer from a lot of stress over a long period of time, who are very anxious and who end up losing the reins of their life to leave them in the hands of external pressures may suffer from the following phenomena:

  • The brain cannot cope with these high stress states. The effect of cortisol and neurotransmitters like adrenaline can generate memory loss and even one-time “disconnections” from reality.
  • Here is an example. We get on the bus to go to work and all of a sudden we no longer know “what we are doing here”. This is an effect that can last a little over a minute and even several hours, but it allows the brain to calm down.
  • Our mind, almost forcibly, invites us to slow down and disconnect.

However, before our brains do it in a traumatic way, by erasing memory or creating gaps, it is best to act naturally, with prevention.

How to disconnect in a healthy way?

It’s not about buying the first plane ticket you find and going halfway around the world. It’s also not about walking away from everyone and shutting the door never to come back.

Getting lost in a healthy way.

  • Getting lost in order to find oneself requires appropriate preparation. Because it is not a question of running away but of moving away in order to heal. And it is better to have a return ticket, as long as we have managed to take on more than one decision.
  • Whoever wants to “get lost” must explain to those around him why he needs it. “I want to spend the weekend alone to relax, think and make decisions”. 
  • Whether others understand it or not, is their problem. It is above all about thinking of yourself. To have the opportunity to have a moment for yourself, and to be with yourself.

We lose ourselves to become stronger, to take the reins of our life with more confidence and security. 

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