Signals From Our Body That We Should Not Underestimate

There are certain signs of the body which, far from normal, if constant over time can indicate serious problems that ‘It is important to resolve as soon as possible.

The body is constantly sending us signs. However, we often do not hear them or know how to interpret them. It is therefore necessary to know how to intercept body signals.

Nevertheless, the organization “passes the bill” for everything we do (from not feeding it properly to not making it work as it should).

So, you need to be more careful with those calls to order that your body is making through certain symptoms.

 Body Signals We Should Not Ignore

Often we think that if one part of the body hurts us, “it will be okay”. We do not pay attention to it then.

It is not always necessary to consult the doctor for this discomfort. However, we should, at least, pay attention to the symptoms that are manifested and especially their course.

Pain is therefore a defense mechanism the body has to warn us that something is wrong. And since the body is wise, we should not underestimate these signs.

The main symptoms and signals of the body that we should not despise are therefore as follows:

Chest pain

chest pain among body signals

If it is accompanied by lack of breathing or tachycardia this may be a sign of pre-infarction. This discomfort is severe and can therefore appear at any time of the day.

If the pain is localized on the left side of the chest, it is a sign of a possible heart attack. If it occurs on the right side it can be the cause of angina, pulmonary embolism or an asthma attack.

Be careful, because ailments that are related to the cardiac system can also manifest in the throat, the left arm or shoulder or the stomach and be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.

Articular pain

joint pain

Many people believe that pain in the joints is a normal phenomenon due to aging, or to great exertion or sudden movement.

However, we must take into account that in some cases it can be caused by an accident or injury.

If you also notice targeted inflammation and reddening, it may be rheumatoid arthritis. Treatments carried out on time can prevent the diagnosis from worsening and becoming disabling (especially if it concerns the hands).

Other reasons for joint pain can be:

  • Rheumatic fever
  • Hepatitis
  • Influenza
  • Drop
  • Osteoarthritis

Severe headache


Migraines can be caused by fatigue or too much stress and for that we take a pain reliever, go to bed and forget about the problem.

However, we must be careful, because the headache can be a sign of brain aneurysm.

For this condition to occur, it must also be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, irritability to sounds and lights, and the sight of some sort of “aura”.

The aneurysm is characterized by swelling in the artery which is responsible for bringing blood to the brain.

If the diagnosis is serious, it can cause bleeding and lead to a stroke. If you have severe headaches regularly enough you should not ignore them.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen

belly pain among body signals

If the discomfort occurs on the right side of the lower abdomen it may be due to inflammation of the appendix.

One of the common symptoms of appendicitis is a kind of cramp that begins in the navel and extends up to the leg. In addition, the assessment is accompanied by nausea, fever and localized inflammation.

In women, stomach pain can also be a symptom of a cyst in the ovaries. The gene can appear on the right side as well as on the left.

When these bags filled with liquid explode the pain is unbearable and the remains must therefore be eliminated as quickly as possible to prevent the blood from then migrating to the ovaries.

Symptoms that alert Alzheimer’s disease

The brain can also send us signals to alert us to an abnormality in its functioning.

Beyond the cognitive degradation due to old age, there are signals that point to a serious illness that, at the moment, has no cure: Alzheimer’s disease.

Watch out for common signs:

Frequent forgetfulness


One of the body’s signals is memory loss. Two very common signs are memory loss and difficulty remembering recently obtained information.

Not remembering important dates, asking the same thing over and over, or telling a story to the same people over and over are all signs to be aware of.

Problems in resolving situations

The inability to follow a plan or develop an activity that requires thinking or analyzing information can be another sign of Alzheimer’s disease. For example, not being able to follow the recipe to the letter or not following the doctor’s instructions.

At the same time, there may be some difficulty in performing common tasks: driving, remembering the rules of a game, starting the washing machine, etc.



Not knowing what day it is, where we are or where we are headed are typical signs of this degenerative problem.

Ask yourself: what did I come to do in the kitchen? Or, what was I looking for in the room? are also very common.

Getting lost in the city or in the metro, not knowing where we are going while we are walking or wanting to come back home and not find the bus stop are facts we should pay attention to.

Now you know the body signals you need to watch out for!

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