Recommended Exercises For Weight Loss

If you don’t get a lot of exercise, try going for groceries, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and taking advantage of the weekends to go dancing.

Currently, losing weight has become a common goal. All over the world people are trying to shed extra pounds, usually for cosmetic reasons, but in fact it is a matter of health. Exercises are our ally.

Losing weight can be very difficult, especially when it takes a lot of effort to get there. It is for this reason that we are always looking for methods that are both simple and effective.

So we present you some highly recommended exercises to lose weight!

Aerobic exercises

Specialists recommend doing aerobic exercises for weight loss, which are popular and popular exercises.

Basically, these are exercises that are done using mainly breathing and fat stores as “fuel”, which helps reduce the fat that is lodged in the muscles. Swimming, walking, running, dancing, etc., are aerobic exercises.

Aerobic exercise is aimed at making us lose weight, but it also has other benefits.

Here are a few: They lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol and blood sugar levels. They increase lung capacity, oxygenate and strengthen tissues.

The swimming

Swimming is one of the most recommended activities for weight loss. It is a sport that works almost every muscle in the body.

Of course, it is not necessary to perform long sessions to benefit from it. It only takes about three hours a week to see results!

Play sports

Playing a sport is a great option for losing weight. When you exercise, the body burns a lot of fat because it is used as a whole.

The ideal is to choose a sport which involves constant physical effort. From this perspective, the most suitable sports are football, volleyball and basketball.

Follow a gym exercise plan

Sports exercises.

The exercise plans offered in many gyms usually work well.

There are various disciplines that allow us to burn fat and therefore lose weight. By way of example, we can cite disciplines such as zumba and spinning, among other aerobic exercises.


Dancing is also a very effective weight loss activity. As incredible as it may sound, it allows us to burn fat, especially if we dance often.

So dancing regularly, at least three times a week, will help you lose weight. Of course, the dances which require more effort are the most recommended!


There are many specialists who strongly advise walking. It is a simple exercise but one which is extremely beneficial for our health.

Obviously, walking every day, for at least 30 minutes, can help us burn fat and lose weight.

Ride a bike

Cycling exercises.

Cycling is ideal if you want to lose weight. In addition, it is a sport that can be practiced with family or friends.

You can choose to cycle outdoors or on a static bicycle, in the gym or even at home.

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