Prunes: How Do They Help Our Body?

One of the most popular health benefits of prunes is that they produce a laxative effect, thanks to their high fiber and sorbitol content, although they are also distinguished by their energy supply.

Prunes belong to the category of dried fruits because they have lost a large amount of water, resulting in a dehydrated fruit with a wrinkled and dark appearance.

Despite its appearance and dehydrated state, this sweet fruit is widely used in various cooking recipes like stews and desserts.

This small fruit contains high doses of nutrients, such as:

  • Fibers
  • Vitamins (E, folic acid, K, c)
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, boron)
  • Sorbitol

Thanks to its components, prunes bring great benefits to our body. In this article, we’ll explain five of its most positive effects.

Prunes as a natural laxative

This is perhaps the most well-known effect of prunes. This is due to the amounts of fiber and sorbitol they contain.

Sorbitol produces the laxative action which improves intestinal transit. Hence, they are a wonderful natural remedy when we are suffering from constipation.

The consumption of prunes is recommended especially in women, whose intestinal transit is more prone to constipation.

It is enough to eat about eight raw prunes or drink prune juice, which is milder, easier to consume and with the same effect as raw fruit.

Here is one way to prepare prune juice:


  • 8 raw prunes
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey (25 or 50 g)

What should you do ?

Prunes as a natural laxative against constipation.

  • Place the prunes with a liter of water, in a container with a lid and let them sit overnight.
  • The next morning, place the prunes and water in a mixing bowl and blend everything for two or three minutes.
  • Lastly, you can add more water and, if you wish, a tablespoon or two of honey to soften.

Natural energizer

Perfect for athletes, prune works as a natural energizer thanks to the amount of sugars it concentrates in its pulp.

It is ideal as an aperitif between meals when one feels physical or mental fatigue.

Antioxidant skin mask

Prunes as an antioxidant mask for the skin.

Prune contains a lot of vitamin E, which is beneficial for skin care and preventing wrinkles.

  • It is enough to eat a few prunes a day to build up antioxidants and take care of our skin. In addition, it is possible to create a mask based on prunes that complements a series of facials.
  • Here is an example of a mask made from prunes:


  • 2 or 3 prunes
  • Milk (the amount needed)

What should you do ?

  • Mix 2 or 3 prunes with a little milk to form a creamy liquid.
  • Apply soft touches all over the face with a cotton pad and let sit for fifteen minutes.
  • Then wash your face with warm water.

This mask will help remove pimples, wrinkles, blemishes and reduce the effects of oily skin.

Losing weight

Thanks to its laxative effect, the fiber it contains, as well as its low caloric content, prune is an ideal food for weight loss.

Consumption of prunes produces a feeling of fullness, thus avoiding the additional intake of calories and carbohydrates.

Additionally, it helps detoxify the body and metabolize sugars and fats more efficiently.

What should you do ?

Consuming 100 grams per day of prunes (¾ cup), for about two weeks, will provide excellent slimming effects that will begin to be visible over the days.

Cavities and gingivitis

Prunes fight cavities and gingivitis.

The mouth is one of the places where bacteria and germs can easily grow.

In addition to brushing and rinsing, it’s good to know what foods can prevent cavities and other illnesses, like gingivitis.

This is the case with prune, which helps to stop the growth of rot, in addition to preventing the development of bacteria thanks to its component in triterpenoids which protects the teeth.

For this reason and all the other benefits mentioned in this article, prune is a food that should be included in our daily diet, as it protects the body, promotes the protection of the teeth and the care of the skin.

Beware of excess

While prunes are wonderful, it’s also important not to eat too much of them.

It is best to consult a nutrition specialist, as each organism is unique and may react in different ways.

Among the side effects caused by an excess of prunes can occur:

  • Diarrhea
  • Blood sugar
  • Swelling
  • Laxative addiction

So remember: prunes offer multiple health benefits, but overuse of their properties can be harmful.

Although prunes do not contain calcium, several studies have shown that consuming 3 to 5 per day can decrease the risk of suffering from bone diseases.

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