Orange Oil To Treat Nail Fungus

Orange oil is great for treating nail fungus infections, and it also helps prevent them. It also helps us to de-inflame the area.

If you’ve ever suffered from nail fungus, you probably know what causes it.

Onychomycosis is a very common condition, which is often associated with a weak immune system.

We suffer from pain and discomfort, and the nail gradually changes: it becomes thicker, more fragile and its color changes. You should know that this condition is contagious.

People who have experienced onychomycosis in the toes (the big toe) sometimes find that they also have it in the fingers of the hand.

It is therefore necessary to treat nail fungus very quickly to prevent it from spreading.

So, if you are in contact with water very often, or you regularly go to public swimming pools, you will be delighted to discover this simple remedy which fights nail fungus, while preventing them.

We invite you to take note! 

The benefits of orange oil to treat nail fungusnail fungus

Orange oil is renowned for its strong antifungal power. It is one of the most used to naturally treat nail fungus.

You can find it in any natural or specialty beauty store.

It is inexpensive and has multiple uses, both for the home and for beauty.

In addition, no one is immune to this type of affection, which is why it is always good to have a small bottle of it at home.

Here are the reasons why this oil is so virtuous:

  • The main components of orange essential oil or “ Citrus Sinensis” are alpha-Pinenes, citronellal, citral, sabinene, myrcene, limonene and linanol.
  • All of these components act as essential protectors against infections.
    In addition, orange oil fights the proliferation of microbes and bacteria, and disinfects wounds. 
  • Orange oil will help you relieve the pain and discomfort due to inflammation and infection caused by yeast infection.
  • All of these healing components are found in the skin of the fruit. These are acids like linanol, which have effective qualities to inhibit the development of different types of fungal infections linked to onychomycosis.

How to prepare the orange oil treatment for toenails?

Step 1


  • 1 liter of water
  • 15 drops of orange oil


  • First, take a foot or hand bath (depending on the location of the yeast infection) once a day.
  • Start by heating the water, without boiling it. It should be warm, at an almost natural temperature, so as not to lose the essential principles of orange oil.
  • When it’s ready, add 15 drops and relax your hand or foot in it for 15 minutes. Then dry yourself carefully. It is important that the nail is never wet.

2nd step


  • 5 drops of orange oil
  • 3 drops of olive oil
  • A cotton disc


  • Dry your nail well and apply this simple treatment. Moisten a cotton ball with three drops of olive oil and 6 drops of orange oil.
    The combination of these two oils is excellent for fighting against yeast infection and inflammation and for reducing pain.
  • Moisten the affected nail until the remedy is well absorbed. If desired, leave on for 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, let air dry.
  • It is necessary to apply this remedy to your nail once or twice a day, for one or two weeks.
    Nail fungus takes some time to disappear and it is therefore very important to be consistent in the application of the treatment.
  • Likewise, you can  apply this mixture on your nails to prevent possible contagions or infections, especially if you are in frequent contact with water, if you go to the swimming pool or if your immune defenses are a little weak.

Step 3


  • Transparent nail polish
  • A small closed container
  • A clove of garlic


  • This remedy is as easy to perform as it is effective. If you have clear polish, pour it into another container where you can add the rest of the ingredients.
    Then add two fantastic elements that are garlic and orange oil.
  • Crush the garlic then add it to the container containing the varnish, as well as the 5 drops of orange oil.
    Stir well then apply it all on your nail. Day after day, your onychomycosis problem will go away.

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