Oatmeal And Green Apple Remedy: Benefits And Recipe

The benefits of the oatmeal and green apple smoothie are numerous. That’s why we decided to tell you about it in this article.

This smoothie will allow you to regulate your weight, but not only. The combination of oats and green apple makes the perfect breakfast for you and your whole family. Don’t miss it!

Oatmeal and green apple remedy: the benefits

Oats and green apple

1. A metabolic regulator

Oats are a  superfood, one of the best allies of our health that we should eat every day. Associated with green apple, its effects are multiplied.

Do you know his most important property? It acts as an excellent metabolic regulator. The combination of oat fiber with the pectin present in green apple allows our metabolism to kick in. Thus, we can easily cleanse ourselves and burn fat.

Nutritionists recommend drinking this smoothie in the morning, precisely because of this metabolic regulator function. It will allow us to satisfy our hunger, receive an ideal dose of fiber and speed up our metabolism to start the day well.

2. An ideal ally to fight cholesterol

Don’t doubt it, if your doctor has told you that your bad LDL cholesterol is too high, include this oatmeal and green apple remedy in your diet now.

As you already know, taking care of your diet can allow us to regulate cholesterol without resorting to drugs.

It is worth taking the following few pieces of information into account.

  • Oats have the main property of absorbing, thanks to its fibers, the toxins present in excess in our body, as well as the bad cholesterol found in our blood.
  • Green apple also has similar properties. Thanks to its polyphenols and its pectin, it eliminates LDL cholesterol, and helps balance the good HDL cholesterol present in the blood. A vital gesture that will allow you not to suffer from heart problems.
  • This remedy also helps to regulate high blood pressure, thanks to its low sodium content and high potassium concentration.

3. The perfect remedy to lose weight

We have already told you about the many benefits of oats for weight loss. Today we are telling you about a way to further enhance its effects by pairing it with green apple.

Take good note of all the contributions of this delicious smoothie to regulate your weight.

  • This smoothie will regulate the sugar levels in your body. It is ideal for diabetics, and will help everyone to improve the functioning of their metabolism, as we have already told you above.
  • It’s a filling smoothie, which makes it a great addition to incorporate into your breakfast. Avoid snacking in the morning, and you will arrive in good condition until lunchtime.
  • This oatmeal and green apple remedy will help you make an enzyme called lecithin, which is found in your liver. This element allows the body to purify itself, helps eliminate fat and cleanse the arteries of possible fatty deposits that have accumulated there.
  • This smoothie also helps improve digestion. Thanks to its slow absorbing carbohydrates, you will be completely full, your body will produce more stomach acids, it will absorb food better and will be less prone to constipation. Day after day, your body will regulate itself. You will thus avoid suffering from water retention, and you will purify yourself of fat effectively.

4. The oatmeal and green apple remedy, a vitamin remedy

The oatmeal and apple smoothie is an ideal vitamin cocktail to start the morning. This is not only good for you, but also for all of your family members, including children and the elderly.

This smoothie contains many B complex vitamins,  such as niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. They are ideal for rebuilding tissues like muscles, for converting sugar into energy, for starting the metabolism and for helping us to synthesize proteins.

You should also know that it contains many essential amino acids and many minerals like magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and calcium, in other words essential elements for the health of our body.

Oatmeal and green apple remedy: the recipe

Oats and green apple

You must consume this smoothie for breakfast. Its flavor is delicious and its benefits are so exceptional that you will not feel tired all morning.


  • 200 ml of water
  • 3 tablespoons of oats (60 grams)
  • 1 green apple
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • A little cinnamon powder
  • 2 ice cubes

The preparation

  • Start the night before by soaking the three tablespoons of oats in a little less than a glass of water. This way, the oats will already be ready for the morning.
  • Clean the green apple well and cut it into four quarters. It is important that you consume it with its skin, because it is in this part of the apple that all its benefits are found.
  • Mix all the ingredients together.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice and a little powdered cinnamon, then mix until you obtain a very homogeneous smoothie.
  • Add a few ice cubes before serving. You will love !

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