Natural Remedies For Hypertension

Lime is rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, which improve the elasticity of the arteries. We can eat it whole or just its juice.

There are natural remedies for hypertension. This is because hypertension is the increase in blood pressure, that is, the heart works harder than it should to pump blood.

However, when the pressure increases, the body is affected in many ways, and one is more likely to suffer from serious illnesses that can even lead to death.

This disease is known around the world as a silent killer because of its effects on health and the way it affects our bodies. 

Among the main causes of hypertension are sedentary habits, being overweight, diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, also taking drugs, certain medications, etc.

How to detect hypertension?

Hypertension is not accompanied by any concrete symptoms that could indicate the presence of this disease. However, it is prudent to see a specialist if you suffer from any of the following symptoms:

  • Constant headaches
  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rapid pulse
  • Visual disturbances
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Nervousness
  • Tired
  • Insomnia
  • Palpitations
  • Facial redness

How to prevent and treat hypertension?

Hypertension is a disease that can be avoided through healthy lifestyle habits such as eating well and being physically active.

We can include certain foods in our diet that are natural remedies for hypertension. 

Read the rest of this article to find out what are the natural remedies for high blood pressure.


Garlic among the natural remedies for hypertension

The properties of garlic help to reduce bad cholesterol levels, and thus promote blood circulation. 

Studies conducted by Indiana University in the United States have shown that consuming one clove of garlic per day for three months reduces blood pressure by 7-8%.

This food can be eaten raw, in salads, in powder, or even in capsules.

Parsley and lemon smoothie among natural remedies for hypertension

Lemon and parsley are diuretic ingredients capable of facilitating the elimination of retained liquids.

Indeed, the combination of these two ingredients makes it possible to fight effectively hypertension, because they help to evacuate the substances which are in fact at the origin of this disease.


  • 1 whole lemon
  • Parsley branches


  • First put all the lemon (with the rind) in the blender. Then add the parsley, then mix. Drink this smoothie on an empty stomach on a regular basis.
  • It is also good for the body to drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon on an empty stomach to alleviate this problem.



Lime is rich in flavonoids and vitamin C which help restore elasticity to the arteries, and also prevent the veins from breaking down. 

Eating whole limes or drinking their juice is ideal for people who suffer from hypertension, because this fruit helps to control this disease, while avoiding the appearance of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bruises, and also nasal bleeding.


Oats are a food that has multiple benefits for the body, and among them is the ability to lower blood pressure.

A study by Columbia University found that eating oats not only lowers bad cholesterol levels, but also strengthens neurological functions.

Carrot and orange smoothie

Carrot juice

This smoothie is thus excellent for regulating hypertension, because it has properties which participate in the elimination of toxins present in the body, in the fight against bad cholesterol, and also in the evacuation of retained liquids.


  • 1 carrot
  • Orange
  • Slice of melon cut into pieces
  • Bee honey


  • First wash the carrot and melon, then peel and cut into pieces.
  • Then squeeze the orange juice
  • Finally, put all the ingredients in a blender, and drink this smoothie preferably on an empty stomach.

The celery

Celery is considered an excellent diuretic for the body.

Indeed, its antioxidant and depurative properties promote the elimination of toxins and help fight fluid retention. Its health benefits extend to several body functions, thus helping to fight hypertension.

To enjoy the benefits of celery against hypertension, it is advisable to prepare it as an infusion using a few stalks of celery and a liter of water. Boil the water, then add the branches. Let it steep for 10 minutes before drinking it.

This ingredient can also be added to your salads and various culinary preparations

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