Medicinal Drink For The Joints

Did you know that the mixture of ginger and turmeric makes a perfect medicinal drink to take care of the joints? This will prevent you from having to resort to chemical anti-inflammatory drugs!

Pain in the joints affects more and more people. This is why we invite you here to discover a medicinal drink to relieve these pains in an effective and natural way.

These pains do not only affect the elderly. Young people are also affected by this condition.

Although there are chemical treatments to relieve joint pain, natural remedies are a very good alternative. This is the case with the natural remedy that we present to you here.

Ginger and turmeric have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Find out more about their properties and discover the recipe for this medicinal drink here.

Ginger, what is it?

ginger root medicinal drink

The ginger is widely used in gastronomy root. This food is renowned for its strong taste as well as its strong odor.

This plant usually exceeds 90 centimeters in height, but the fruit remains buried in the earth, as is the case with tubers.

This root is widely used in gastronomy, because its spicy taste enhances any type of dish. But ginger also has many beneficial properties for the body.

One of its most remarkable properties is its ability to improve blood circulation  while promoting a healthy digestive process. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, ideal for relieving joint pain.

Turmeric, what is it?

Just like ginger, turmeric is a popular spice in the cooking world. This plant comes to us from India. Its fruit is similar to a stem and, when grated, imbues food with its pretty orange color.

From a health point of view, turmeric also has important beneficial properties for the body.

Most of these properties have a link with the digestive process: turmeric is a carminative food. It is then an ideal remedy to combat stomach aches.

Nevertheless, its anti-inflammatory effect remains its main property. That is why turmeric is a great ally for people who, regardless of age and circumstances, suffer from arthritis.

Causes of joint pain

medicinal drink for joint pain

Joint pain is an annoying symptom that affects, as the term suggests, the joints. No joint is spared: knees, elbows, handles, ankles….

These pains can be mild and occur after physical exertion. On the other hand, if these pains are permanent, we speak of acute pain.

Usually, joint pain is closely related to arthritis, especially when the pain is permanent. But other conditions can be responsible for these symptoms, such as bursitis or tendonitis.

Whatever the factor causing these pains, it is possible to relieve them effectively with natural remedies.

Here we invite you to discover a medicinal drink with ginger and turmeric, one of the best natural alternatives.

A medicinal drink with ginger and turmeric to relieve joint pain

First of all, know that if you consume this remedy regularly, it will help you relieve your pain. The best way to enjoy the benefits of the two main ingredients is in the form of an infusion.

The mixture of ginger and turmeric gives a powerful remedy. If, in addition, you add cinnamon and a touch of lemon, this drink will be even more effective.

If you wish, you can also incorporate honey into the mixture. This will help to enhance the effects of this drink.

It is recommended to drink this medicinal drink every day for several weeks, and preferably in the morning to start the day well.


  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root (15 g)
  • 3 glasses of water (750 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of grated cinnamon or ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1/2 lemon for its juice


  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • When the water boils, add the turmeric, ginger and cinnamon.
  • Leave to infuse for thirty minutes so that the preparation contains all the properties of the ingredients.
  • Once the time has elapsed, remove the mixture from the heat and let stand for a few minutes.
  • Finally, add the lemon juice.
  • Pass the mixture through a sieve.
  • It’s time to serve!

As you will understand, turmeric and ginger are two great allies to fight pain in the joints.

This medicinal drink is therefore an excellent alternative to relieve the symptoms of arthritis or other ailments that affect the joints.

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