Iodine, An Essential Mineral!

Before increasing your iodine intake, consult your doctor, because an excess of iodine is just as bad for your health as a deficit. The right level helps us burn fat and prevent thyroid problems.

Iodine is essential for our body. Thus, according to numerous studies, it is the mineral that is most often lacking all over the world. Indeed, our organism does not synthesize it and must obtain it directly from our food.

 The problem also stems from the fact that very little iodine is found in food, unless the big food industries have planned to add it. Usually, most of the iodine comes from the sea, and especially seaweed.

This essential mineral for the human organism is absorbed in the intestinal tract. It is then carried in the bloodstream to the thyroid gland where it is accumulated to secrete hormones.

A good level of iodine will allow us to burn fat and avoid thyroid problems, such as a goiter, for example. But let’s see all of this in detail!

The benefits of iodine

  • It is essential to have a normal level of iodine to maintain a balanced level of the thyroid hormone or thyroxine. Indeed, it is what protects us from the appearance of goiter or hyperthyroidism.
  • Allows the proper functioning of our metabolisms, such as growth in children and the functioning of our nervous system.
  • It is essential because it serves to synthesize carbohydrates and cholesterol.
  • Gives energy and it is fundamental for the health of our cells.
  • It burns excess fat.
  • Our nails, hair and teeth stay strong and healthy thanks to it.
  • Externally, it is usually used to disinfect wounds. It is also commonly used to disinfect running water using water purification tablets.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

If we have too low an iodine level in our body, the following symptoms may appear:

  • A goiter
  • Hypothyroidism
  • A cautious trend
  • Fatigue, joint pain
  • Insomnia
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Constipation
  • Cretinism: a childhood illness characterized by motor and mental retardation.

Where can i find iodine?

In fish and seafood

iodine in salmon

The sea is naturally rich in iodine. That is why it is advisable to consume fish or seafood at least three times a week.

They contain wonderful vitamins of group B, vitamins A, D and E, and also fatty acids like omega-3 which are very good for the health.

The ideal would be to eat salmon, herring, shrimp, lobsters, cod, mussels or sole.

In vegetables

Beet juice

We are not yet used to thinking of Kelp seaweed as a vegetable, yet it is an incredible source of iodine that we should think about including in our diet from time to time.

In addition to algae, it is recommended to consume onion, beets, chard, spinach, cucumbers. But also green beans, watercress and garlic. They are not only rich in iodine, but also possess anti-bacterial properties.

In the cheese


Certain types of cheese are also good sources of this mineral. 

For example, cheddar cheese: if we consume 100 grams of it, we will get 39 milligrams of iodine. As for the manchego cheese in oil, 100 grams provide us with 34 milligrams of the mineral. The half-old manchego: 34 milligrams. Fresh Manchego: 34 milligrams.

In cereals

Cereals and breads

Most of the grains we eat every day, such as rice, wheat, and rye, are high in iodine . By consuming 100 grams of corn flour, we will get 80 milligrams of iodine.

Some precautions to take

It is always up to our doctor to tell us whether or not we need extra iodine. Thus, we should never start consuming algae every day, or suddenly take larger doses of iodized salt.

Taking too much can be harmful to the body and cause us to have a problem with hyperthyroidism, for example.

In addition, some drugs are not compatible with this mineral. This is the case with drugs for treating manic-depressive illnesses, for example.

If in doubt, always consult your doctor. Either way, a balanced diet based on vegetables, fruits and grains will always be good for our health!

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