Indian Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight

Indian cuisine is characterized by the abundant use of spices, and it is precisely these that can help us lose weight more easily, as well as ‘to increase our body temperature.

Some people say that following an Indian diet can help us lose several pounds in a month. Indeed, there are several Indian tips to lose weight.

However, we should take advantage of these tips to lose weight and feel healthier.

Would you like to discover these Indian tips? Read this article!

Data on Indian cuisine

Indian tips

It is important to know some characteristics of Indian gastronomy in order to then put into practice the diet that will help you lose weight:

  • Do not mix carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Select foods well (what matters is quality and not quantity).
  • Consume brown rice and vegetables.
  • Choose fresh fruit (mostly citrus).
  • Eat 3 meals a day + a snack of skimmed yogurt or fruit if you are hungry.
  • Chew each bite 100 times for better digestion.
  • Drink 2 liters of water and green tea every day.
  • Be physically active, especially walking, for at least 40 minutes a day.


Indian recipes are influenced by different cultures and countries: Mongolia, Portugal and even England. The result is gastronomy with a strong personality.

It is known because it uses multiple condiments (people born in India are said to have the ability to detect more tastes than a Westerner) and does not contain beef because cow is sacred in their religion.

They also ingest very little dairy products. They choose a kind of butter called ghee and a liquid yogurt known as lassi .

Among the ingredients that never fail in Indian dishes are rice, chicken and lamb. Vegetarian dishes also abound as many locals defend the principle of “non-violence” and do not eat any animals.

There are several ways to prepare these foods:

  • Vagar : Heat and season with spices.
  • Tandoor : Bake food that has been previously macerated with spices and yogurt.
  • Korma : To the embers. The consistency is thick because yogurt, milk or cream are added to it.
  • Dhungar : Smoked.
  • Dhum : The embers are placed above and below the container.

Indian diet, Ayurveda and weight loss

There is a strong connection between eating one of the largest and most populous countries in the world with some type of alternative medicine and losing weight.

This is because diet is medicine in itself and makes us feel resilient and healthy.

As we said before, Indian dishes contain a large amount of spices (curry, cardamom, cumin etc.). These stimulate the body, raise the body temperature and help with weight loss.

In fact, this is the reason Indian food burns fat.

Some of the choices and tips for losing weight have to do with spices and condiments but also associations between certain ingredients. Here we will give you several examples:

Turmeric leaves

Among the Indian tips are turmeric leaves.

The dark green leaves of this native tree are used for sauces and salads, both raw and cooked.

They help the stomach and intestines function properly and allow the body’s weight to be maintained or to decrease if there are extra pounds.

Additionally, turmeric leaves have medicinal properties as they cure diarrhea, dysentery, and diabetes.

The Dhal

This traditional Indian dish is made with dried peas, lentils and beans. It is served with rice and bread ( chapati ).

The dhal  has a strong protein power, it is very satiating and is digested more slowly than other foods, which makes it possible not to be hungry between meals. Thus, it promotes the control of body weight.


This aromatic herb (which belongs to the parsley and celery family) has a strong diuretic power that helps to lose fluids, toxins and fats through urine.

In traditional medicine, it is used to reduce intestinal gas, abdominal inflammation and purify the blood.

Aperitifs and salads

Indians consume a lot of fresh food because of the high temperatures. Here are some ideal options for the summer, and even more so if you are on a diet. For example :

  • Ratia (yogurt with vegetables, fruits and spices)
  • Chaat (raw vegetable salad with lemon and spices)
  • Pakora (chickpea flour turnover stuffed with vegetables)

Pulses and cereals

The pulses are cooked after being peeled and cut to be more digestible.

Among the grains is rice, which is the staple of the Indian diet. The best known of these is basmati rice which contains a good dose of fiber and is very satiating.

You can also add some wheat, corn and millet to your diet.

The drinks

coconut milk

Drinks are also part of the Indian tips for losing weight.

To drink the prescribed 2 liters of water per day, stay well hydrated and suppress your appetite (which is often due to thirst), you can choose some of the Indian drinks par excellence:

  • Lassi (liquid yogurt)
  • Chaï (spiced tea)
  • Ninmu Pani (lemonade)
  • Coconut juice

Finally, in Ayurveda, there are 3 types of doshas . Each of them is linked to a series of physical characteristics.

Knowing which one is yours can help you eat what you need, avoid what hurts you, and most importantly, lose weight.

  • Vatta : Thin and light build, with constant hunger and irregular digestion. In this case, it is advisable to consume more “heavy” dishes such as soups, dishes in sauce or pasta with sauce.
  • Pitta : Of medium build, with intense hunger and thirst. We despair if the meal does not arrive on time and we tend to eat too much. The recommended foods here are salads and cold drinks. Do not eat fish or meat dishes.
  • Kapha : Bigger and overweight. Digestion is slow, appetite average. Avoid dairy products, desserts and fats, and opt for fruits and vegetables (especially carrots, squash, celery, cabbage and salad).

Are you ready to incorporate these Indian tips into your diet?

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