How To Take Care Of Your Heart If You Are A Woman?

Heart attacks in women have different symptoms than in men, which is why it is important to know how to recognize them in order to act quickly.

Heart disease is generally associated with men. But a clear reality of recent years shows that one of the main causes of death in women is precisely heart problems. It is worth taking this into account. So we will tell you how to take care of your heart if you are a woman.

Heart health in womenheart

You are a woman ? Are you taking care of your heart health? It is necessary to take into account the age that you have. The sooner you start to take care of yourself, the better the resistance of this essential organ of our body, which gives us life, and a genuine quality of life.

But at this point, you might be wondering why have women become the most vulnerable to heart problems? We will explain to you: 

  • Bigger Stress and Anxiety Problems:  You’ve probably noticed it by now. Women, without knowing how, acquire multiple responsibilities such as children, a job, the elderly to be taken care of… Women who have the burden of their work on their shoulders in addition to caring for other people. All of this develops what is known as “broken heart syndrome”, a stress-related problem that is increasingly prevalent in women.
  • Heart symptoms in men are different than those found in women. Sometimes they are more evident in men: the stiffness of the arm which indicates a heart attack, a warning sign of a heart attack which prevents breathing… it is, so to speak, more symptomatic. Conversely, women have more diffuse symptoms. We feel tired, we have musculoskeletal pains and we associate them with things that are not important, without realizing that they are due to the heart. Sometimes when we react, it is too late. It must therefore be taken into account.
  • Another fact to highlight here is that in the last few years women have started to smoke much more than men. A very dangerous factor which can lead sooner or later to a cardiovascular accident.

Take good care of your heart if you are a woman

1. Learn to control stress and anxiety

Indeed, one of the main causes of cardiovascular accidents is precisely the fact of being exposed to stressful situations. Stress that we are unable to handle.

You need to take this into account and start thinking more about yourself. It is clear that you cannot neglect the rest: family, work, home… but find time for yourself, to enjoy. Manage to free up at least two hours a day to devote to your business and leisure.

Establish  priorities, gain self-confidence, set limits so that others do not cross your personal space… take care of your emotions and try to marvel at the little things in life, waking up every morning with a smile.

Your heart will thank you for being happy and thus eliminating the cortisol present in your blood, responsible for the stress.

2. Pay attention to your weight and diet

Another essential data: avoid gaining weight. If you have too much and your body suffers from excess fat, your health will suffer.

Fat clogs veins and arteries, blood does not circulate normally. The heart aches, its blood pressure rises and cholesterol appears… all of this is a time bomb that can explode at any time.

Eliminate fats from your diet, such as salt. Eat fruits, fiber, grains, in addition to plenty of water and natural juices.

An interesting piece of information comes from a study by the Harvard School of Public Health. According to the latter, a diet based on red fruits reduces our heart problems by almost 30%.

If it is possible for you to get strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, plums, currants or pomegranates in your town or in your usual market, it will all improve your heart health dramatically. It’s worth it.

3. A little gentle exerciseyour heart

You don’t have to go to a gym to work your butt or your abs every afternoon. Just look for aerobic exercise, which will keep your heart healthy by getting it up to speed.

A very healthy way, for example, is to go out for a walk every morning, when there is not a lot of sun or heat.

Half an hour of walking at an adequate pace will not only improve your heart rate but also allow you to achieve better mobility of your bones.

You will also eliminate tension and increase the dose of endorphins in your body. Something really healthy and very enjoyable.

4. Do you continue to smoke?

If you are in the increasingly larger statistical group of women who smoke, now is the time to quit. Not only for you and your health but also for your loved ones, for your children …

Take into account that sooner or later your health will suffer, that it will affect your breathing, that your lungs will get sick and that the possibility of contracting a heart or brain problem will be higher.

Is it worth having this Damocles sword on your head? Absolutely not. Stop smoking and start enjoying a better quality of life! 

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