How To Prepare A Mouthwash To Treat Laryngitis?

The properties of some herbal remedies can help you ease and speed up healing of some recurring throat problems, such as laryngitis. Find out how to prepare a mouthwash to effectively and naturally treat laryngitis with herbal remedies.

Laryngitis is a common infection that occurs in the throat, and more specifically in the larynx. It is usually a mild infection, but it can be very uncomfortable and painful. The good news is that there are some natural treatments that can help you relieve and treat laryngitis. They are also very easy to prepare at home. Find out today how to prepare a specific mouthwash to treat laryngitis.

Find out in this article how to prepare a mouthwash to treat laryngitis with a natural herbal remedy. First of all, find out what laryngitis is and the most common causes of this disease of the respiratory tract.

What is laryngitis?

Inflammation of the larynx is called laryngitis. The larynx is a short cylindrical structure located below the pharynx and above the trachea. This connects the mouth to the esophagus and is located just behind a protruding, cartilaginous neck region, commonly known as the Adam’s apple.

The larynx works with the digestive system and the respiratory system because it can open two pathways. One allows food to pass and descend to the esophagus and the other allows air to pass to the trachea and lungs. In addition to this dual function, the larynx protects the vocal cords. When the larynx is infected with an infection, the whole area is affected and this disorder is often very uncomfortable.

What are the symptoms of laryngitis?

The first symptom of laryngitis is a burning sensation in the throat and what is called a hoarse voice (aphonia and dysphonia). Sometimes even people can lose the ability to speak for a while.

In addition, these symptoms one can also experience tingling, pain, difficulty in swallowing any kind of food or drink. Besides, in some cases one may suffer from a dry cough and an uncomfortable feeling a knot in the throat.

In addition, it is essential to take care of your throat to avoid any habits that can harm it, such as temperature changes or smoking.

What are the common causes of laryngitis?

Laryngitis can be acute or chronic. In some cases, laryngitis can last for about up to 3 weeks if it is chronic. Also, it can be acute when caused by viral infections. Laryngitis often occurs because of the flu, the common cold and even because of sinusitis.

Allergies that affect the airways can be another cause or overuse of the vocal cords, which can lead to acute laryngitis. So-called chronic laryngitis can last for several weeks. Its main cause is excessive alcohol consumption, gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic sinusitis.

In addition, the causes can also be due to  an excessive and constant strain of the voice, nodules, polyps or the presence of tumors in the vocal cords.

How to treat laryngitis with mouthwash?

treating laryngitis with mouthwash

At the onset of pain, a sore throat can be mistaken for a passing ailment. However, as it sets in, the seeming simplicity of this ailment can turn into a lifelong nightmare. To effectively treat laryngitis, we offer a mouthwash based on natural herbs to be performed on a regular basis.

You can prepare a mouthwash with chamomile, sage and mint to treat symptoms and symptoms caused by laryngitis.

Properties of chamomile

Chamomile is a plant known for its multiple anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It contains caffeic and linoleic acid which fights against aldose reductase, an enzyme that causes many bodily harm.

Chamomile tea is ideal for treating the problems and symptoms produced by laryngitis.  Plus, its sedative properties help relieve pain in any part of the body. You can consume it in infusions, by performing mouthwashes and topically.

Properties of sage

For its part, sage has many benefits that help heal internal wounds such as lesions or ulcers. On the other hand, sage is also used for the treatment of pharyngitis and gingivitis. The reason is that this plant is a very good natural astringent.

This plant contains important anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, two properties essential to treat most inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the astringent and expectorant power of sage leaves is a good supplement to help relieve itchy throat. Sage is an herb that can be consumed perfectly in infusions or only topically.

Mint properties

Mint, for its part, is a medicinal plant very often used to relax and soothe muscles. On the other hand, it contains ascorbic acid, which allows the expulsion of mucus, which makes it a very good decongestant. In addition, mint also has thymol, an organic compound effective in the fight against coughs and sore throat. Its consumption, preferably as an infusion, strengthens immune health and relieves congestion of the respiratory tract.

Each of these herbs contains healing properties capable of relieving pain caused by laryngitis. They can be used as an infusion together or separately in a single, more concentrated infusion to fight infection. The choice depends on the person suffering from the disease. For this purpose, we will show you below how you can also prepare a mouthwash with the three herbs mentioned above.

Mouthwash to treat laryngitis

chamomile as a remedy to treat laryngitis

To prepare this natural remedy for mouthwashing and treating laryngitis, you will need the following ingredients:


  • ½ cup of chamomile (55 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • ½ cup of sage (55 g)
  • ½ cup of mint (55 g)

What should you do ?

  • Boil the chamomile, sage, and mint in water for 20 minutes.
  • Filter and let the mixture sit for a few minutes until it reaches room temperature.
  • Then, you can perform mouthwashes with this remedy at least 3 times a day to notice the results and relieve the symptoms of laryngitis.

Laryngitis is one of the most uncomfortable infections that can exist and mainly affects the respiratory tract. Its treatment can be simple, if you use adequate, easy and economical methods such as the mouthwash that we have just explained to you in this article. Remember that you need to be consistent with this natural treatment to notice the results that will appear quickly if you use this mouthwash on a regular basis.

Do you feel discomfort in your throat? it hurts you ? Do you have difficulty eating or speaking? If you are suffering from these symptoms, try the natural remedy we share with you in this mouthwash article for quick relief. If symptoms persist, see your doctor for a full diagnosis.

Natural syrups are among the most effective remedies for treating symptoms of conditions that affect the respiratory system. They combine the qualities of different ingredients from organic farming to strengthen the immune system and reduce problems that affect the throat and nostrils, among others.

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