How To Express Your Love To Your Partner?

If you’re having trouble expressing the love you feel for your partner, maybe you should look deep inside for the reason. This is surely due to an experience of the past.

Expressing love for someone else can be very difficult at times. This can undoubtedly cause various problems in romantic relationships.

We all need our partner to show us his feelings verbally, not just with actions. It comforts us, makes us feel good, and may even make us feel more secure.

But, what weight do words have for us? If our partner is only able to express his love with deeds, why isn’t that enough for us?

The reasons why it is difficult for you to express your love

There are various reasons why it is difficult for you to express your love to your partner.

To discover them we have to go back to childhood, to the stage where a large majority of the problems we have to face in adulthood are generated.

Sad mother and daughter

Here are some of these reasons:

  • You are afraid of commitment
  • Words of love are not familiar words for you
  • You have had disappointing romantic experiences
  • You suffer from alexithymia

With the exception of the last case, all the others are based on experiences or experiences that marked the stages you are now trying to take in your romantic relationships.

If your parents did not say words of love to each other, it is natural that you did not learn to do so in your relationship.

Likewise, if you have suffered from painful experiences or if for you romantic relationships go along with the word “pain”, it is possible that it stems from your fear of commitment.

Even if all of this marked you, you can choose how to act in your romantic relationships. You are adult and responsible for your life. By being aware you can learn to express your love to your partner.

The last case, that of alexithymia, is exceptional. If you are unable to express your love for your partner because you have a neurological disorder, a professional will be the best person to give you the steps to take.

The partner is a great help

If the problem of not being able to express your love is due to a painful experience, it is important that you know that your partner plays a very important role.

Know how to express your love to your partner

The natural tendency will be to blame yourself for the reasons why you don’t tell him how you feel. He will even get angry with you for it. But that won’t help you.

This is why it is important that the partners are aware that they have an important role to play. They can help the person who is not able to express what they are feeling to do so.

To do this, certain points must be taken into account:

  • Communicate with your partner with tenderness. Never use anger to blame him for something that is not easy for him.
  • Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you both feel good. This is indeed the best way to talk about a subject as delicate as emotions.
  • Be empathetic and patient. For your partner, expressing love is very difficult. So put yourself in his place.

The good thing about all of this is that while one helps the other express their love, the other person will learn as well.

She will thus discover how she manages her emotions, the way in which she expresses them, if she is able to externalize her anger or her rage in the right way …

Heal the past

Although the partner is a great help, it will be very important to consult a professional so that he can guide us to the right path to take.

Healing the wounds of the past is never easy and that is what must be emphasized. If the past cannot be healed, then it will be very difficult to express your emotions.

Either way, we should ask ourselves how much weight our partner expresses the love he feels for us through words.

Express your love through gestures

Perhaps it does this largely through actions, but in our minds we place more importance on words.

Maybe we should remember all those relationships in which we express our love much more verbally, but in practice there is nothing left.

What is the thing that has the most impact?

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