How Long Per Day Do You Have To Walk To Lose Weight?

If you are not used to walking, or playing sports in general, you should start small, and then increase your pace as you progress.

We all want to play sports, but few of us take the plunge and exercise regularly. A habitual walk is one way to enjoy sports.

There is no point in training to the letter for a few weeks, only to return to a sedentary life the rest of the year. According to this study carried out by the Southern University of Chile, a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In the rest of this article, we will give you some keys to losing weight just by walking every day.

Losing weight

However, losing weight is much easier than it looks. You don’t need to purchase an overpriced gym membership. Or buy yourself some so-called miraculous creams. Do you know what you need? Of only one thing: walking! According to this research published by Revista costarricense de Salud Pública , walking not only helps to improve our muscles and lose weight, but also helps us to improve our lung capacity and the cardiocirculatory system.

If you’re sick of the fat accumulating and you’ve tried everything, it’s time to get moving.

The reason ? Walking is aerobic exercise . That is to say, it makes all the muscles of the body work and it burns a large amount of calories.  While ensuring good oxygenation of the body. Our heart also benefits from all its virtues.

Walking to lose weight

Who can start the march?

There is a lot of scientific evidence that confirms that everyone can and should exercise. It doesn’t matter if you are not used to playing sports or have never been physically active in your life.

However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting. In order to check your state of health. In this way, you will be able to detect any physical, respiratory or cardiac alteration.

How often do you need to walk to lose weight?

It is important that you adapt your walking time to your physical condition. If it’s been a while since you’ve exercised, avoid going for extreme walks. Start with short periods, between 10 and 15 minutes, at moderate speed.

  • You can start by walking twice a week. Then gradually increase the frequency of your exercises.
  • Above all, you shouldn’t stop walking overnight.
  • If you walk for at least 30 minutes a day and take care of your diet, you can lose around 9 pounds in 5 months.

Use a pedometer

A pedometer is specially designed to measure the number of steps you take while you walk. But also your speed, the distance you cover and your pace. This allows you to use a benchmark to set goals for yourself. In other words, to increase the number of steps you take and your speed in order to lose weight.

You can also wear it when you are at work or cleaning your home. At the end of the day, you will be able to see your progress and any calories you may have burned. So you can check that you are accomplishing your goals.

The benefits of walking for weight loss

  • Walking helps us prevent obesity, among other things.
  • It strengthens our bones. This allows us to avoid fractures and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Walking improves blood circulation and strengthens our heart.
  • It avoids stress, anxiety and depression because it enhances the production of endorphins.

Some recommendations

  • After you’ve made your visit to the doctor, set a goal. This must be reasonable to motivate you enough.
  • You must not stop walking under any circumstances. If you can’t walk all week, set aside a time slot and adjust your goals accordingly.
  • Use comfortable shoes and clothing.
  • Remember to warm up before walking, for at least 5 minutes.
  • Take care of your diet. Reduce your fat intake and try to balance your meals.
  • Adopt good posture: back straight, stomach contracted and shoulders relaxed. As this study from the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas (Cuba) shows, poor posture can lead to back problems.
  • Control your breathing. Breathe in and out in accordance with your rhythm. Try out a few techniques as this research suggests , as they can help relieve emotional stress.

In short …

A simple walk can significantly contribute to weight loss. In addition, this is a perfect exercise to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, as it is a low impact exercise that does not involve a lot of exertion. And the best part about it is that anyone can practice this exercise, regardless of age.

The most important thing is to be consistent and, above all, to adapt walking to your physical form. It is also advisable to follow a healthy and balanced diet and to check his state of health beforehand. In some cases, the doctor may not recommend walking.

Don’t ignore your body. Faced with the slightest symptom of dizziness, high blood pressure or excessive fatigue, do not hesitate to stop or take it easy.

  • Lee, IM, & Buchner, DM (2008). The importance of walking to public health. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Ogilvie, D., Foster, CE, Rothnie, H., Cavill, N., Hamilton, V., Fitzsimons, CF, & Mutrie, N. (2007). Interventions to promote walking: Systematic review. British Medical Journal.
  • Morris, JN, & Hardman, AE (1997). Walking to health. Sports Medicine.

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