Homemade Vicks VapoRub: Benefits And Recipes

When we make our own Vick Vaporub, we make sure that all the ingredients are of good quality and that it does not contain any harmful preservatives for your health. In addition, we can add different essences.

A simple massage on the chest with Vicks VapoRub helps unclog nasal passages  and relieve flu-like symptoms. That’s why we invite you to discover here how to prepare your own homemade Vicks VapoRub.

There are three active ingredients in this remedy: menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. It is applied topically via a massage or a deep inhalation of the product.

This remedy decongests by improving the cold receptors of the nose  : this causes a great feeling of freshness in the respiratory tract and an increase in the passage of air.

The Vicks Vaporub found in pharmacies is indicated for people who suffer from one of the following conditions: chronic lung diseases, emphysema, asthma, convulsive cough, recurrent obstructive bronchitis.

This remedy is contraindicated in pregnant women and minors under the age of six.

Vicks Vaporub house: the benefits

In addition to having great properties for relieving flu, nasal congestion and colds, Vicks VapoRub has many other benefits.

1. It relieves the feet

When you get home from a grueling day at work, you can smear a good amount of this ointment on your feet and sit with your legs in the air, supported on a cushion, for example.

You can also use it before sleeping: apply this product to your feet, put on socks and leave on overnight.

2. It relieves headaches

Woman with headache

This menthol and eucalyptus drug is very good for migraines.

It is enough simply to apply a little of it on the temples or on the forehead by performing circular massages. The tension and pain will go away after a few minutes.

3. It eliminates rashes, blackheads and pimples

This has not been “scientifically proven” but many people use this remedy to make their face look prettier.

Put a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on affected areas before sleeping and leave on overnight.

4. It relieves sore muscles

When we do exercises or sports intensively, we generally have body aches the next day.

A good way to relieve muscle soreness is to massage with Vicks VapoRub, as this promotes good blood circulation.

5. It reduces skin irritation

Irritated skin

You can apply this cream to the skin to treat redness or spots by applying it as a night mask.

Homemade Vicks VapoRub: the recipes

These simple recipes made with easy to find ingredients will allow you to make your own homemade Vicks VapoRub.

The use of this Vicks VapoRub is not recommended for children under two years of age.

Homemade Vicks VapoRub Recipe # 1


  • 100 ml of coconut oil (this can also be almond or olive oil)
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 20 drops of mint essential oil
  • 200 grams of cocoa butter

The preparation

Melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler over low heat. When it is liquid, remove from the heat and add the coconut oil (or whatever you want), stirring constantly, to mix well.

Finally, gradually pour in the essential oils without stopping stirring. When you arrive at a homogeneous mixture, put everything in an opaque glass container with an airtight stopper.

Reserve it in a dark place and wait for it to solidify. You can keep it in this container for a year, and use it as much as you want.

Homemade Vicks VapoRub Recipe # 2


  • 120 ml olive oil
  • 240 ml of coconut oil
  • 170 ml grated beeswax
  • 35 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 30 drops of mint essential oil
  • 15 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of camphor essential oil

The preparation

  • In a small saucepan,  heat all the ingredients together in a double boiler e.
  • Stir everything until you obtain a homogeneous mixture,
  • Pour the preparation into a glass container.
  • Let stand at room temperature for the mixture to cool and solidify.

Homemade Vicks VapoRub Recipe # 3

Unlike the other recipes, this one is suitable for babies.


  • ¼ cup (60 mL) coconut oil.
  • 12 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

The preparation

  • Heat the coconut oil.
  • Add eucalyptus oil to it. Mix well.
  • Let cool for an hour so that the mixture solidifies.

If you can’t find eucalyptus essential oil, you can opt for lavender or chamomile essential oil (for babies under two months), or tea tree (for babies over six. month).

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