Great Foods To Cleanse The Gut

Eating a healthy and varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber and water is the most effective way to cleanse our intestines.

Why clean the intestine? The function of the intestine is to extract nutrients from food which will then be absorbed by the body. The small intestine is between five and seven meters, and the large intestine between one and one and a half meters.

The intestines are frequently affected by ailments such as constipation, irritation and inflammation. Today we recommend some foods that are used to prevent and cure certain bowel diseases, as well as gently cleanse the bowel.

For a remedy to be effective and give good results, it is first necessary to detoxify the intestine where residues accumulate that manage to obstruct the transit of stool, which produces an accumulation of toxins that irritate, inflict and congest the colon.

Once the intestine is completely clean and purified, it is enough to follow a weekly maintenance regimen, perform an annual cleansing and adopt a healthy diet to gradually achieve recovery!

Cleanse the intestine through daily diet

There is no remedy as good or as effective as food for cleaning the intestines. In the end, our food is the only way that allows us to clean the intestine in a lasting and definitive way.

Among the foods that have the ability to cleanse the body are fruits, vegetables, fiber, and water. On this list does not appear any food of animal origin, nor even yogurt which is however recommended, because it restores the intestinal flora.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits contain a large number of vitamins that provide energy and strengthen the immune system, but also a lot of fiber and antioxidants.

To avoid fruits that contain too much sugar, they must be selected with care: apples, citrus fruits, papaya, etc.

Vegetables provide minerals that balance the body’s functions and which also contain a lot of fiber.  Favor stem vegetables such as alfalfa and celery, which should be chewed calmly to work the intestine and help it heal little by little.

Cereals, legumes and dried fruits

Great Foods to Cleanse the Gut

These foods provide fiber and increase the proportion of iron in the blood. They stimulate peristalsis in the intestine and form a kind of protection in the digestive system, thus inhibiting the appearance of diseases due to the passage of time. If you eat cereals, it is best to mix them with skimmed milk.

The seaweeds

Psyllium bark and spirulina algae are excellent because they absorb absolutely all the toxins that are in the gut, and they also form a gel that lubricates the stool. To relieve the problems of constipation, irritable bowel and intestinal laziness, you must eat algae in moderation but quite frequently: the blood is then purified by the action of the intestine.

Seaweed bowlOmega and extra virgin oils

Omega fatty acids are found in avocados which, like olive, grape seed, or sunflower seed oils, are excellent for gut cleansing. These foods lubricate and nourish the gut, and are also capable of turning insoluble fiber into highly digestible fiber.

The water

Water is the best ally for the health of the intestine and that of the whole organism. Thanks to the water, the body is hydrated. It regulates the temperature of the body and cleans all the organs, including the intestine of course.

Water has a really important role in the process of intestinal purification and healing. By making a habit of drinking enough water, we release toxins and remove residues that have been in our colon for years.

The weekly plan to cleanse the bowel

To maintain our colon adequately, one day a week, we need to drink plenty of water, eat whole fruits and not juices, as well as very well washed raw vegetables. We must follow this diet for 24 hours.

Foods to eat for the annual cleaning

Just as you will do the weekly cleaning, you should get into the habit of performing the annual cleaning. In this case, it is necessary to consume whole fruits and raw vegetables for a whole week.

You can accompany them with unsweetened green tea taken in the morning on an empty stomach and plenty of natural water at room temperature.

As you can see, it doesn’t take too long to detoxify the body, nor does it take unusual foods. It is simply necessary to impose a routine and to eat only the foods indicated without exceeding the prescribed amounts. In this way, you will keep a healthy and healthy gut!

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