Frozen Meat: How Long Can You Keep It?

The freezer is a perfect ally in our daily life. Having frozen meat is sometimes very convenient because we don’t always have time to go and buy it.

We all know that fresh meat is a very perishable commodity. Having frozen meat allows us to extend its useful life by retaining its quality and nutrients. However, we must take into account some important aspects that will allow us to enjoy the quality of a good piece of meat for longer.

Freezing preserves food for long periods of time because it prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms  that can cause spoilage or disease. This way, frozen foods can stay in the freezer long enough without getting damaged.

Either way, there are always limits to be respected. It is important to understand that  even if it is frozen, food does not have an unlimited shelf life.

How long can I keep frozen meat?

Pieces of fresh meat.

The shelf life of food in the freezer is extremely variable, depending on the type of product. Frozen meat usually lasts less than vegetables,  for example.

One of the main reasons why freezing times are different is the amount of fat in each type of meat.  We will present the average storage times for the different types of frozen meats:

  • Very fatty meat and cold meats can stay in the freezer for 1 to 2 months.
  • Ground beef and other fresh mince preparations can last 3 to 4 months.
  • If we are talking about veal chops and fresh lamb and pork, we can freeze them from 4 to 12 months.
  • Chicken, turkey and meat from other poultry can be stored for 9 to 12 months.

With low temperatures, we stop bacterial growth but not oxidation reactions. And even if it’s done slowly, the fat continues its rancid process.

This continued rancidity process  is one of the main causes of the loss of nutritional value of meat.

This is stated in an article published in the journal Food Science and Technology Its flavor, texture and color are affected. Even if we don’t notice it with just a glance at first, we have to know that it will eventually happen if we don’t consume the meat.

Tips for maintaining the quality of frozen meat intact

A woman in front of her freezer.

To prevent the quality of frozen meat from being affected and thus losing part of its nutritional value,  we must take into account some little tips that will help us to maximize its good condition:

  • The correct freezer temperature. It allows meat to freeze more quickly.
  • Freeze food under vacuum. They should be wrapped in  film  or placed in the appropriate containers. Otherwise, they risk losing water, absorbing bad smells, drying out or burning.
  • Freeze meat in packages or small portions. When we freeze very large pieces, the center of the product takes longer to freeze and loses quality. In addition, ice crystals can form on the food and, when thawing, break its structures and reduce its characteristics.
  • Separate the visible fat from the pieces. As we have seen, freezing does not stop the rancidity of fats. It could damage the meat.
  • Freeze cooked meat or meat stews in airtight plastic or crystal containers. We should wait until the dishes are cold before putting them in the freezer.

If we do not want our freezer to be a tote,  it is important to clearly indicate the contents and dates of freezing on each package, trying to store it well. We will thus avoid throwing away meat that could have remained hidden in a corner and which will no longer be tasty when it is eaten.

Know how to thaw properly

It is important to take care of the freezing conditions of meats, but it is also necessary to know how to defrost them correctly. It will not help us to have the meat properly stored if, when defrosting it, we damage it.

Frozen meat should thaw when cold. Leaving it at room temperature is not recommended, as is placing it near a heat source to speed up the process.

This could promote the growth of pathogenic bacteria for health, according to a study published in the journal Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases .

The best way to do this is to keep the meat in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. If we haven’t planned to do it in advance, using the special microwave function to defrost it is another option.

We must keep in mind that once the meat is thawed, it should be cooked immediately. When we get closer to temperatures of around 4-6 degrees, bacteria that may have been present before freezing begin to multiply.

If, once we have cooked it, we see that we will not consume it quickly,  we can refreeze the cooked pieces of meat.  But be careful: you should never refreeze raw food.

Use freezing to increase the shelf life of meat

If we want to enjoy quality frozen meat, it is better to buy fresh meat and freeze it ourselves.  We can buy more meat and freeze it by following the tips we mentioned above. This will give us better control over the quality of the product than if we buy it directly from frozen.

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