Find Out All There Is To Know About The Minimalist Lifestyle

In a minimalist lifestyle, we exclude everything we don’t need to focus on the presence and use of what is important and what we really need.

In this article, we bring you closer to a minimalist lifestyle in which all that is superfluous is removed to achieve the very essence of life.

Despite the existence of ancient cultures where the art of simplifying everything was already practiced, like the Japanese, the term minimalism was coined in the United States in the 1960s.

Minimalism invites us to take a critical look at the value of things. He places us between the sword and the wall and confronts us with emptiness (fear of emptiness) to bring us back to the roots, on which our reality rests.

The foundations of a minimalist lifestyle

The basic concept is to keep everything as simple as possible. While it might sound easy, it isn’t. It requires an in-depth analysis of every aspect of our life:

  • Our way of dressing
  • Our obligations and commitments
  • Our way of consuming
  • The order and the objects that we accumulate in our house
  • How we use our time

If we are aware of all that we do not need, we can take the weight off our daily lives and learn to reduce worry.

Minimalism includes many aspects such as art, design, architecture, fashion, thought and even gastronomy.

What is the purpose of the accumulation of material goods?

First of all, many of the objects we have and accumulate eventually become, over the years, emotions for us. We are attached to them and we refuse to lose them, give them away or throw them away. Living with them makes us feel certain emotions every time we come into contact with them.

For starters, minimalism suggests living only with what is necessary. A whole revolution against the compulsive consumerism of our current society.

What is the use of storing clothes that we never wear? What is the use of keeping objects that have been dusted off every now and then?

A person's stay following the minimalist lifestyle

The path to minimal expression in our house

A house exudes tranquility when there are open and open spaces. In addition, it is important to emphasize a decoration that is not overloaded and where tidiness and order prevail.

Therefore, when there are few decorative elements, they attract more attention and do not go unnoticed.

In addition, each object must have a pattern, a specific use. This will make your life easier and save time while searching for what you need. Do not complicate matters, your new motto should be: “Less is more” .

Have the courage to throw away the unnecessary

Many people are unable to throw away even items that they know will never be used again. In fact, everything is saved in case they find it useful.

So try to better choose what you buy, especially when you travel. To start, try to complete a personal challenge by throwing 5 items that you no longer use.

How many old shoes do you keep aside? How many household appliances do you keep in the drawers, under the pretext of future use? But also how many sets of dishes, books, used notebooks, clothes, etc., have you put aside knowing full well that you will not use them again?

The minimalist lifestyle allows you to calm down

Try to differentiate between what is important and what is not. Devote your time to the things that really fill you up. In this sense, try not to follow the behavior of the majority, for it obeys fanciful fashions that come and go without criteria.

On the other hand, you need to control the amount of information you want to consume. Try to turn off the television and log out of social media for a few hours a day. Don’t let so many distractions surround you and go after your main goals or what you’re doing that makes you truly happy.

10 tips to lead you towards a minimalist lifestyle

Finally, don’t miss these 10 easy-to-implement tips:

  • For starters, what matters is who we are, not what we have
  • Don’t waste your time getting involved in projects you don’t believe in
  • Don’t follow the inertia of things. Try to create your own reality
  • Stop tormenting yourself with thoughts of the past
  • Keep emotions and experiences from your travels, not memories
  • Learn to choose and to say no. The shortest way is always that of the truth
  • Also don’t try to pretend to be something that you are not
  • Cook with the heart. The important thing is the quality, not the quantity
  • Be honest, direct, educated and clear with those around you
  • Finally, love in a simple and authentic way

With the information we have provided, you can start to introduce yourself to minimalism and change your lifestyle!

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