Do You Feel Sad? Here Are 8 Tips!

Remember that while exercising, your brain secretes endorphins. So when you are feeling sad, go out and sunbathe while walking briskly.

Sadness is a difficult emotion to deal with and overcome, which envelops us in its cold mantle when we least expect it. But what should you do to stop feeling sad?

When we are sad, it is as if someone is turning off the light in our life, leaving us with no way out of this darkness.

First, it is important not to get down on yourself. Sadness is a known enemy that you have to keep your distance from, as if to show it that it won’t get the better of you.

Do not worry if at the moment you do not feel capable of it, since we will explain in this article to you how to succeed in conquering sadness through 8 tips that you will have to put into practice.

1. Walking 

The last thing to do is to stay locked in your home and seek refuge in solitude. Instead, put on your old sneakers and comfortable sports clothes to go for a walk. 

Start with small quick steps, with this strength within you which will gradually begin to undo the knot of your problems and this inner unease.

Sweating, getting your heart working, and moving your bones is an excellent remedy.

Thus, the brain is stimulated to secrete endorphins, the hormones of happiness. From that moment on, you will begin to put all the things that work your mind into perspective.

2. Sit in the sun and close your eyes 

Enjoy a moment of serenity and calm, to relax in the sun and let your skin soak up the sun (however no more than 15 minutes).

A good dose of vitamin D which will make you feel a pleasant tranquility. In these sad days, do not seek the dimness of a hidden corner or the comfort of your bed.

Generally, people with a history of depression tend to avoid direct sunlight and prefer seclusion and darkness.

Seeking the light will force you to stop feeling sad.

3. Leave your obligations aside for two hours
yoga to stop feeling sad

We all have sometimes to face difficult times, during which we have responsibilities to fulfill, obligations and things to do.

However, in these times of sadness, a wall stands in front of us and makes it difficult to perform these tasks properly, for lack of motivation and courage.

In this case, relax and treat yourself to two short hours. Enjoy this moment of relaxation in your personal space, without pressure or anxiety.

4. Write

Have you got newspaper ? If not, maybe now is the time to create one. A journal has a therapeutic effect that helps us organize our thoughts, express ourselves and talk with ourselves even through intimate writing.

You don’t have to be Gabriel García Márquez or Daphne Du Maurier to write a journal: express yourself in your own words to free yourself emotionally.

5. Cry if you feel the need to.

Sometimes it’s good to let your tears fall. Sadness needs an escape mechanism to ease tensions and sometimes just going out for some fresh air is not enough.

Tears must flow to free us and reduce tensions. Crying is a healthy and necessary thing to stop being sad.

6. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what’s going on

Do a recognition exercise by looking at yourself in the mirror. You will find that the attractive and positive woman is not there and you will not recognize yourself.

Sadness robs you of your vitality, and you sure don’t like to see yourself that way.

Ask yourself what you can do to feel better, to give your heart that illusion and heal your grief.

Ask this woman what to do to redraw the smile on your face.

7. Find someone who will listen to you 
to be with someone so as not to be sad anymore

You certainly have a friend or relative who, instead of supporting you, will always talk about herself without asking you for news.

Seek the support of people who know how to look you in the eye and listen to your words with concern and sincerity.

You will find that sharing your feelings will make you feel lighter, and you will begin to put that feeling of negativity into perspective. Never hesitate to ask for help.

8. Treat yourself

To no longer be sad, indulge yourself! Sad days thus require little illusions to put their grief into perspective. If you focus all of your attention on your concerns, the problem will get a little bigger each time.

It is therefore important to relax. Why not go to the movies, sign up for yoga classes, or take a walk in the park or the museum?

Sometimes, all you have to do is listen to a music or a song that you like, for the magic to work.

The problems will not go away, but it will give you a calm and well-being that will change the way you see things.

Do not hesitate to put these simple tips into practice each time so that you no longer feel sad.

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