Discover 5 Tips For Hiding Scratches On Wood

We all have parquet or wood furniture in our home that has scratches or scuffs. But, what can we do in these cases to repair all this damage? How to hide scratches on wood? Discover 5 simple tips that will allow you to restore a beautiful appearance to your furniture and wooden objects.

Over time, life in a home often leaves many marks on the items we use. Furniture, doors but also windows or floors are subject to this type of wear, among which scratches and scuffs are the most frequent. However, the good news is that it is possible to hide scratches on wood in a very simple and economical way. Find out how to do it with 5 homemade tips.

Many people continue to prefer wood both for its quality and for the touch of elegance it brings to a home. The problem is that its maintenance is not always easy, since wear and certain external agents often deteriorate and crack wooden furniture.

When we buy wooden furniture or rent an apartment with a parquet floor, the emotion is such that we neither consider nor underestimate the dangers that this entails. Of course, we are not talking about the danger this poses to people, but the exposure of the wood to scratches or scuffs which often leave traces that are very difficult to remove.

Therefore, it is extremely important and necessary to know the right techniques. Some solutions to hide scratches as much as possible on wood are more artisanal than others, however they will all help you achieve this.

To this end, today in this article we are going to reveal five tips that can help you hide all types of scratches on wood.

Tips for concealing scratches on wood

1. Wax

remove marks, stains and scratches on wood with wax

Removing marks and stains from wood is not always easy. Among the different uses that can be given to wax, one of them is to cover scratches, cracks and other marks on wooden furniture. Using wax to reduce marks left on the wood is a very simple technique.

Beeswax is a strong, malleable material that can be used to cover scratches, cracks, and other imperfections in wood furniture. To do this, start by rubbing the wooden furniture that has scratches or marks with wax. You can also use hard wax to fill in the spaces in the wood. Then you can polish the wood with a sponge or a cloth and voila, you will have perfectly eliminated the scratches on the wood.

2. A mixture of ground coffee and oil

To take care of your wooden furniture, you can mix a teaspoon of ground coffee with a little oil, preferably vegetable. This trick is very handy for repairing all the scratches on wooden objects and furniture that you have at home. You will only need two tablespoons of oil for this preparation.

To start, stir the ingredients until you get a dark mixture, as if you were brewing coffee. Then apply the mixture to a slightly damp cloth and wipe it gently over the wood. Finally, leave this solution to act for at least 3 hours. The last step is to clean the furniture and objects with the product you usually use to polish and shine wood.

3. Solutions for floors

remove scratches on wooden floors

Wooden floors and floors or parquet  are often scratched by the chairs or furniture we use or move. Fortunately, many of these marks and scratches can be removed without too much trouble. Are you wondering how to achieve this effectively?

For light and shallow scratches on wooden floors, simple markers can be used. Most often, they are available in different colors, so that you can easily hide the scratches on the wood in a simple and hassle-free way.

On the other hand, with the scratches which are a little deeper, the procedure is different. These scratches most often remove a bit of wood so you have to be more careful as you could hurt yourself. First of all, you will need to apply a little water to the scratch and leave it on for 24 hours. This time should be sufficient because the goal is for the humidity to swell the wood.

The second step is to use beeswax which will be used to repair the wooden floors. Obviously, the color should resemble that of the wooden floor as much as possible. Then, with the help of a hair dryer, you will need to heat the wax so that it can melt a little and apply it with a plastic spatula over the entire scratched surface. Finally, use a rag to remove the excess, as it is only a matter of covering and removing the scratch.

4. The iron

Did you know that a totally everyday appliance like an iron can help you hide scratches on wood ? Can’t believe it? Well, yet it is. To start with, you’ll need to dampen a cloth and place it over the scratch you want to cover up.

During this time, heat the iron until it reaches a temperature near the maximum. Then rub the iron over the fabric with circular motions for about 10 seconds. When the fabric dries too much, you can dampen it a little and continue until the end.

What is the effect obtained with this trick? It’s very simple: humidity and heat will cause the wood to swell. In this way, as in the previous point, it is a question of repairing the scratches on the wood from the bottom up.

While it is true that not all scratches on wood can always disappear 100%, it mainly depends on the depth of the scratches. However, all of these tips and advice will allow you to reduce and hide scratches on wood in a simple and economical way.

Moreover, by trying it out, you will see that at first glance, you will not even notice the scratches that were once clearly visible. These simple tips will serve you perfectly to reduce and conceal all scratches and marks on your furniture and wooden objects.

5. Toothpaste and oil

Oddly enough, the mixture of toothpaste and vegetable oil can help you effectively conceal scratches on wood. You only need to moisten the toothpaste with vegetable oil and rub it on the scratches and other traces on the wood. Then let this solution act until it is perfectly dry and remove the excess with a slightly damp cloth.

As a final recommendation, we also want to share with you two more tips. Write them down because they will be of great help to you in the maintenance of wooden furniture. The first is to place protectors under the legs of chairs and other furniture, so as not to scratch the floor when moving.

In addition, we suggest that you be very careful if you have wooden furniture in your house. Try to protect them, especially from water, sun and humidity. Of course, also take extreme precautions when moving furniture around often. In addition, be careful if you move furniture on wooden floors.

Wood is a widespread and elegant material that we all have at home. Still, it is quite difficult to keep wood in good condition, as it splits, darkens and gets damaged. A lot of times we spend a lot of money on chemicals to maintain our furniture and keep it in good condition. However, there are homemade tips that are as effective as they are economical, and which will give you the same results. Find out how to clean and shine wooden furniture with homemade products.

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