Discover 4 Natural Remedies That Will Help You Treat High Blood Pressure

Garlic, olive oil, lemon, and dark chocolate are great natural alternatives for high blood pressure. You will be surprised at how accessible and easy to prepare these remedies are.

When it comes to health, any alternative that has at least scientific evidence to improve a clinical condition is always welcome. Today we present to you a series of natural remedies that will help you in the treatment of hypertension. You will find that they are easy to prepare.

But first you should know that a patient is not diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) until the doctor has taken their blood pressure regularly, and during several consecutive checks.

Your doctor will tell you how often you should measure your blood pressure. High blood pressure is usually diagnosed after two or more consecutive measurements with values ​​that are too high.

You have to keep one thing in mind at all times. Having too high blood pressure can have serious health consequences like stroke, thrombosis, facial palsy and even myocardial infarction.

We don’t want to alarm you unnecessarily, but we just want you to know how important it is to keep this condition under control, for your own health.

4 natural remedies to treat high blood pressure

You will be amazed at how simple and accessible these remedies are.

1. Lemon juice and parsley

Lemon juice against hypertension.

Fluid retention in the human body is never a positive sign, especially if you have high blood pressure. Lemon has wonderful properties in this regard, because it is an exceptional vector of vitamin C. Ideal for combating toxins and agents that accumulate by the storage of liquids.

In addition, the essential property of lemon juice is its diuretic and filtering capacity. Remember, like any good fruit, it contains large amounts of water. It is an ideal tool for a safe and natural purification of the organism.

It is recommended that you consume one or two glasses of unsweetened lemon juice per day, on an empty stomach. This, in order to condition the body for purification and elimination of substances that can increase blood pressure. Prevention and Discipline are the keys to the success of the treatment.

2. Garlic

Garlic against hypertension.

Garlic is the star in the world of natural remedies. It is considered extremely useful for the treatment of countless medical, nutritional, orthopedic and many other pathologies.

In case of high blood pressure or hypertension, garlic is indicated to relieve the symptoms.

Many specialists recommend consuming garlic as a natural treatment for high blood pressure and lowering cholesterol. The properties of garlic provide benefits in the dilation of the arteries, while helping to prevent the formation of thrombi.

It can be consumed in tablets (garlic tablets). You can also easily add garlic to your recipes or consume a clove of garlic every day, after letting it sit for 6 to 8 hours in a glass of water. You can macerate it overnight and take it the next morning.

3. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate against hypertension.

We know very well that you all love this remedy. Just to talk about it, we want to. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which provide extraordinary heart health benefits and help lower blood pressure.

Therefore, some specialists recommend consuming a small daily dose. Keep in mind that you should eat dark chocolate, because milk chocolate does not have the same effects on the body.

4. Olive oil

Olive oil against hypertension.

Since the time of the Egyptians, the benefits attributed to the olive and its derivatives have been well known in the health field. When it comes to hypertension, olive oil works as a natural regulator in the body.

This healthy fat is made up of three thousand different components. Some of its exceptional properties include: it helps prevent cell oxidation, better regulate and control diabetes, and lower bad cholesterol.

You know it now. Incorporate olive oil in your diet and you will take care of your health. However, as with the remedies described above, their effect in the body will be enhanced if you consume it regularly in a reasonable way.

  • González-Molina, E., Domínguez-Perles, R., Moreno, DA, & García-Viguera, C. (2010). Natural bioactive compounds of Citrus limon for food and health. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.
  • Banerjee, SK, & Maulik, SK (2002). Effect of garlic on cardiovascular disorders: A review. Nutrition Journal.
  • Ried, K., & Fakler, P. (2014). Potential of garlic (Allium sativum) in lowering high blood pressure: Mechanisms of action and clinical relevance. Integrated Blood Pressure Control.
  • Grassi, D., Necozione, S., Lippi, C., Croce, G., Valeri, L., Pasqualetti, P.,… Ferri, C. (2005). Cocoa reduces blood pressure and insulin resistance and improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation in hypertensives. Hypertension.
  • Grassi, D., Socci, V., Tempesta, D., Ferri, C., De Gennaro, L., Desideri, G., & Ferrara, M. (2016). Flavanol-rich chocolate acutely improves arterial function and working memory performance counteracting the effects of sleep deprivation in healthy individuals. Journal of Hypertension.
  • Moreno-Luna, R., Muñoz-Hernandez, R., Miranda, ML, Costa, AF, Jimenez-Jimenez, L., Vallejo-Vaz, AJ,… Stiefel, P. (2012). Olive oil polyphenols decrease blood pressure and improve endothelial function in young women with mild hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension.

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