Difficult Adolescence: 5 Tips

Like all mothers, you want the best for your child. During adolescence, you need to reinforce the learning of certain values. Find out here how to help your child feel good.

Adolescence is a stage of transition. Depending on his vision of the world, the teenager may experience this stage badly. It is therefore important to support your child more.

Adolescence is the time when your child begins to experience physical and psychological changes. Consequence of this: it becomes more sensitive. His tastes and feelings are constantly changing and his imagination is much more active.

There is a high likelihood that your child will be rebellious during this stage. The following behaviors indicate that the time has come:

  • he responds aggressively
  • your child ignores you when you talk to him
  • he slams doors

Discover here 5 tips to help your teenager go through this stage more serenely.

1. Difficult adolescence: find out what he likes and what makes him happy

difficult teens

It is necessary to learn to communicate openly with your teenager. You need to bring him peace and calm and let him know that parents are the best confidants there is.

This will help your child to feel confident when he decides to discuss certain topics with you. He will tend to call on your advice to resolve a complex situation.

A teenager must have goals

Goals are essential in life because they help us grow as a person. To have goals is to respond to a continuously developing need for progression, which includes different aspects of our lives: the emotional aspect, the social aspect, and the personal aspect.

By learning to set goals and striving to achieve them, the teenager will grow up with the idea that he is capable of succeeding in the challenges he sets himself. This will help him grow into a happy, successful adult.

To do this, you need to convey the values ​​of commitment and determination, which are essential to achieving a goal.

Your child should have a good relationship with his friends

Friends play a decisive role in development. In adolescence, young people spend more time with each other, which is why you should watch your teen’s social circle.

Teach him to be respectful and to be respected. If he is the victim of exclusion and treatments that affect his self-esteem, he is likely to release his frustration at home and become a difficult teenager.

If so, bring it up with him and find out what’s going on. All you have to do is find a solution together.

Your child should have good self-esteem

In adolescence, it is normal to see that your self-esteem drops. This is due to the physical changes undergone during this stage. Low self-esteem can lead to mood swings, depression, and aggressive behavior.

It is therefore essential to give compliments to your child each time he achieves a goal or adopts an appropriate behavior. Help him to feel proud of himself and accept him for who he is.

2. Motivate your child to participate in sports or artistic activities

difficult teens

Extra-curricular activities bring many benefits for both the mind and the body. After class, participating in a physical activity helps improve your teen’s performance and physical development.

If the chosen activity is artistic, the benefits provided by the activity will stimulate intellectual and motor capacities.

These activities are a great option to release frustrations and also to discover possible passions and talents.

3. Offer to participate in a charity

Teenagers tend to think only of themselves and stress over every problem to the point of forgetting all that is good in their life.

By participating in charitable work, for example, your teen will develop empathy. These types of activities can help him connect with others and prevent him from becoming a selfish person.

4. Make your home a safe haven for your child.

If there is harmony in your home, the teenager will feel good at home and want to spend more time there.

This promotes communication within the family. It is possible that your teenager will share his concerns with you.

Keep in mind that good communication helps find solutions to any problems your child may have.

5. Spend time with him

Make sure you spend time with your child, even if the mood is tense between you.

If your child sees that you care about him and want to spend time with him, it will improve your relationship and trust.

As you will understand, adolescence is a complicated stage in a person’s life. You must understand that, at this point, your child needs to detach himself from the protection of his parents in order to become more and more independent.

This step will help them become a responsible adult with their own goals.

To prevent your teenager from going through a time of conflict, you need to make sure you maintain open and constant communication. In this way, he will be able to share his torments with you without resorting to aggressive behavior.

  • Blakemore, S.-J. (2008). The social brain in adolescence. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience , 9 (4), 267–277. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2353
  • Maia Noeder (2018). Mantener una buena relación con su hijo preadolescente. KidsHealth from Nemours. https://kidshealth.org/es/parents/preteen-esp.html
  • Mendelson, T., & Tandon, SD (2016). Prevention of Depression in Childhood and Adolescence. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 25 (2), 201–218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chc.2015.11.005
  • CEAPA. (2013). Como mantener una buena relación con tu hijo adolescent girl. Ceapa, 6–29. Retrieved from https://fundadeps.org/recursos/Adolescencia-y-Familia-Como-mejorar-la-relacion-con-los-hijos-e-hijas-adolescentes-y-prevenir-el-consumo-de-drogas/

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