Chicken Breast Recipe With Cheese Sauce

The following preparations are very simple and practical. While chicken breasts tend to be dry on the palate, here are some ideas for keeping them juicy.

Chicken breasts or breasts are popular ingredients in modern cooking. It is lean meat with good nutritional properties. It is therefore common to include it in any diet, both for athletes and for people who want to lose weight. Here is a recipe for chicken breasts with cheese sauce, which will bring a gourmet side.

Chicken Breast Recipe: Basic Ingredients

For the preparation of this chicken breast with cheese sauce recipe, you will need the following ingredients,  for two people :

  • 1 jar of cooking cream (250 mL)
  • 1 cup of matured cheese (200 g)
  • 2 chicken breasts (500 g)
  • Olive oil (to taste)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 4 garlic cloves (5 g)
  • 1 onion (60 g)

Chicken breasts with cheese sauce

preparing the chicken breast recipe

Preparing the chicken breasts

The preparation of this chicken breast recipe is very easy. First, cut the breasts into cubes, of medium size. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Then heat a little olive oil in a large skillet over high heat.

When the oil is hot enough, add the diced chicken and turn them to cook them evenly. This way they will be well cooked inside, without all the water evaporating and becoming too dry. After about 3 minutes, when the chicken cubes are browned on the outside but lightly raw on the inside, remove them from the pan.

Preparation of the cheese sauce

The brisket pieces have probably absorbed all the oil in the pan. So add one more and wait for it to heat up again.

Meanwhile, cut the onion into small pieces and the garlic cloves into thin slices. Add the onion first and let it brown and soften for 10 to 15 minutes over low heat.

Then add the garlic slices, which will cook in seconds. It is important not to add them at the same time as the onion, as the garlic will burn quickly while the onion is raw. Once the garlic slices are golden, add the cream and cheese, with a little salt.

Continue to heat everything over low heat, then stir the mixture so that the cheese melts and forms a homogeneous sauce.

The contrast in textures between the heat-softened onion and the fried, crispy garlic slices will make the chicken breast recipe taste delicious.

Finally, add the chicken breast cubes to the pan. It takes about 5 minutes for the mixture to cook and ready to serve.

Chicken Breast Sticks

As a possible substitute for the previous dish, we show you how to prepare chicken fingers which can be an interesting alternative. Of course, in this dish you can also use the cheese sauce from the previous recipe. To prepare the sticks, you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley (5 g)
  • a teaspoon of paprika (5 g)
  • 1 cup of breadcrumbs (300 g)
  • 2 chicken breasts (500 g)
  • Olive oil (according to taste)
  • Salt, pepper (to taste)
  • 2 cloves of garlic (3 g)
  • 3 eggs (180 g)

Chicken breast recipe

Method of preparation

  • Cut the chicken breasts into strips the thickness of a finger. In addition, place the garlic, parsley, paprika and a little salt and olive oil in a mortar.
  • Then, crush and mix these ingredients well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • In another bowl, add the eggs to the mixture and beat everything.
  • Then, add the chicken strips to the bowl and mix well so that they are well impregnated.
  • When the sticks are well saturated, place the bowl in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 hours to marinate the mixture.
  • Then take it out of the fridge and put each chicken strips on a plate with breadcrumbs to coat them well on all sides.
  • Finally, put the strips in a frying pan with a generous amount of oil so that they brown on the outside and cook well on the inside.

Remember to place the strips on a plate with paper towels to remove excess oil. This will make it easier to spread the cheese sauce on top.

Try this American Style Chicken Breast Recipe and enjoy its delicious taste.

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