Body Language: 7 Keys To Improving Your Security And Convincing Others

In addition to imparting a certain attitude to others, our body language can also positively influence how we feel and help us feel more secure.

Our body language is like a silent orchestra that we are not always aware of. However, it has a direct impact on our environment and on the people who are part of it.

Successfully mastering, knowing and understanding the secrets of body language will make it easier, for example, to improve our first impressions, our attraction to others or also having better resources to convince others of certain things.

However, it is not at all about training us in those strategies that salespeople or even politicians use with their audiences.

We want to talk about the ability to improve our security to have better control in our conversations, in our job interviews and even, why not, in our way of seducing.

This is why we offer you here to know 7 keys to improve your body language in this type of context. We are sure they will be of great help to you.

1. Body language and your visual languagebody language

The brain telegraphs our intentions. And if we want something, our gaze is the first to seek that objective. The first that reflects our intentions.

Our eyes are therefore the first channel and the first tool of body language. So why not make the most of it?

  • Never look down during a conversation.
  • Look directly into the person’s eyes when you are addressing them.
  • Remember that your emotions are reflected in your eyes. So try to convey calm, decision and personal security.

2. Keep your back straight and your personal space

While talking to the person in front of you, it is important that you take care of your position.

Your back should stay straight, your shoulders rested, your neck straight and not sloping.

  • The position is a reflection of your attitude. To improve your security and convince others of your words, you must not fall into extremes.  So you don’t have to assume a military position or be very lax or elusive.
  • The ideal is to combine naturalness with security. And, for that, it is also essential that you take care of your personal space.
  • Place yourself at a safe distance where you do not “overwhelm” the other person but where, at the same time, a certain intimacy will be created, in which the dialogue will be natural and the opinions matched.

3. Hands are always visible

Whether you are in a job interview, at a special dinner, or in a serious conversation in front of another person, never hide your hands. Don’t put them in your pockets or under the table or make the mistake of crossing your arms.

Let them be the witness of your words, the expression of your emotions. Allow them to move with you naturally. Free them!

4. Silence and calm can be a good strategy

Let’s continue with the metaphor that our body language is like an orchestra, like a group of musicians playing a score to satisfy the audience.

  • As we already know, the music wouldn’t be the same if there was no silence. Therefore, to have a direct impact on who is ahead of us, we also need to make use of it from time to time.
  • When the other person, for example, expresses something that you disagree with, instead of being blamed or responding immediately, use silence and smile. Relax.

Sometimes silence is the expression of wisdom. Let’s make good use of it.

5. Hold an object while you speak

To create a direct impact on someone or even a group of people, it’s always helpful to grab a pen, pencil, and even glasses while we’re talking.

  • Having these objects or accessories with an “intellectual” connotation creates an image of security in front of an audience.
  • Likewise, having something in our hands also helps us to channel anxiety a bit.

6. The nod of the head

Nodding is an essential strategy in our body language. It’s a way to connect with the person in front of us, to validate what they are telling us, to show openness and interest.

This does not necessarily mean that we agree with everything that is said: it is part of a ritual of respect and trust where we can create a positive climate to reach agreements, to give an image of a safe person. , respectful and intelligent.

7. Don’t go overboard. Find an intermediate point where you feel comfortable

To convince others of something, you don’t have to be an actor. Do not make exaggerated gestures or excessive speech in which you do not let others intervene.

Body language training is the art of being yourself but controlling the keys to creating a positive impact without falling into theatricality.

It must be said, of course, that it is not easy. To do this, we have to work in particular on our self-esteem, our personal confidence and even those nervous tics or gestures that we sometimes use to hide or channel our nerves or our insecurity.body language

To conclude, since we all like to feel more comfortable in our daily relationships and thus increase our capacity for attraction and security towards others, let’s dare to use these simple body language guidelines.

More and more people are suffering from anxiety. In this article, you will find 12 natural remedies for anxiety that have proven to be effective. Remember that regular exercise can help you feel better through the production of endorphins. In this way, you will have better self-esteem and you will be in better health.

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