Being Vegan In Adolescence: A Growing Reality?

The topic of adopting a vegan diet in adolescence may raise some questions. However, provided it is well planned, it is a diet that can bring interesting benefits.

There are pros and cons of following a vegan-style diet. A diet based on plant foods protects health and helps maintain a healthy weight ; it also has certain moral implications which are still debated. On the other hand, if it is not well designed and followed, it can lead to deficiencies of certain nutrients. What should you know about being vegan as a teenager?

What does it mean to be vegan or vegan?

The question of what it is and what not to be “vegetarian or vegan” is not incidental, but rather answers the fact that quite often a person focuses their identity on this nutritional pattern.

From the profusion of articles in the media to numerous professional conferences on the subject, the current impression is that being vegan as a teenager is a growing reality.

At the same time, the subject raises several controversies, in addition to some disagreements that the issue generates between the parents and the child in the doctor’s office.

R. González Leal, from the Endocrinology Department of the Niño Jesús University Children’s Hospital in Madrid, published an interesting study in the Journal Adolescere 2017; V (3): 56-65, from the Spanish Society of Adolescent Medicine, SEMA, stressing that:

Behind the Scenes: Why Are Vegan Diets Trendy?

The most common reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet are health considerations, concern for the environment and animal welfare factors ,” says R. González Leal. He adds :

Being vegan in adolescence: an increasingly worrying reality and not without risks

According to information from the Spanish Society of Adolescent Medicine, SEMA:

It should also be considered that in vegetarianism, there are two populations that are particularly sensitive or at risk. On the one hand, children and adolescents, who are growing and need all the nutrients, especially essential amino acids.

The other group is that of women, who need iron . This mineral is found in legumes and plant foods, of course. However, the bioavailability is more reduced. Legumes and vegetables contain sufficient amounts of iron, but it is not absorbed in the same way as that of animal origin.

A teenage girl who decided to be vegan

Is it possible to talk about the benefits of being vegan as a teenager?

While it is possible to mention the benefits resulting from these eating habits, it is important not to ignore the existence of some controversial and even harmful elements.

In this regard, the additional data provided by SEMA are:

  • Well-planned vegetarian diets are often associated with various health benefits
  • While animal protein contains all of the essential amino acids, plant proteins are deficient in some of them (limiting). Thus, cereals have lysine as a limiting amino acid, while legumes contain methionine and threonine as a limiting.
  • Adolescence is the most common stage of onset of eating disorders (ED)

To finish

The United States National Library of Medicine recommends the following when following a vegetarian diet:

  • Eat different types of foods including vegetables, fruits, grains, dried fruits, seeds, whole grains, fat-free dairy products, and eggs if your diet includes them.
  • Choose fortified foods, such as cereals, bread, soy or almond milk, and fruit juices for a variety of nutrients
  • Cut down on foods high in fat, sugar and salt (sodium)
  • Include a source of protein in all your meals
  • Take supplements if your diet is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals
  • It is essential to remember that vitamin B12 is necessary to help prevent anemia. Eggs and dairy products are high in B12, which is why vegans and vegans may have difficulty getting enough of it.
  • Learn to read the Nutrition Facts label on food packaging. The label lists the ingredients and nutritional content of the food product

Remember, if you are on a restricted diet, working with specialist advice is essential. This can make sure you are getting enough nutrients.

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