Beetroot Home Remedy To Cleanse The Liver

It is very important to have a healthy liver, which is functioning optimally, every day.

Purifying the liver is very important. The liver is the purifying organ of our body. It is able to filter the blood to remove a large amount of toxins and wastes which can affect our health.

It is said that our liver performs more than 500 functions. Some studies even claim that it does more.

Although our liver is able to purify itself when we supply it with essential nutrients, there comes a time when we overload it with tasks and prevent it from functioning properly.

Lifestyle, poor diet, pollution or the use of chemicals, among others, can cause excess toxins in the body and prevent the liver  from performing its functions properly.

Fortunately, the liver can purify itself naturally through the consumption of foods rich in nutrients, antioxidants and other compounds essential for its purification.

In this article, we are therefore going to share with you an excellent home remedy made from beetroot, to purify your liver in a natural way, in a few days.

Beets to purify the liver

Beetroot helps cleanse the liver.

Beets have been popular for decades for cleansing the liver and preventing a large amount of disease.

This food can be easily included in a diet, thanks to its taste that can be adapted to different recipes.

Its benefits for purifying and detoxifying the liver is explained by its high content of antioxidants, which have the ability to fight free radicals in the body which, in the long term, could cause disease.

In addition, it contains a large number of substances such as betalaine, fiber, iron, betacyanin and folic acid, which are essential for maintaining a healthy liver.

This food also contains a fiber called pectin, which is the one that stimulates the cleansing and elimination of toxins from the liver, significantly improving its functions.

In addition to this important benefit, beets have also been associated with:

  • healing of the liver
  • improving the production of stomach acid
  • prevention of free radicals in bad cholesterol
  • the prevention of lung, liver, spleen, skin and colon 

Beetroot remedy to cleanse and purify the liver

This beetroot remedy comes highly recommended.

This powerful beetroot remedy comes highly recommended for people who suffer from fatty liver, or who have liver problems from smoking or alcohol.

Optimal functioning of this organ is synonymous with good health. Indeed, thanks to it, we can eliminate all the substances that our body does not need. In the long term, these can cause serious health problems.


  • 1 glass pitcher of 3 liters
  • 700 g beet
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 200 g of organic sugar (1 cup)
  • 100 g of raisins


Cut the beetroot into small cubes and put them in the pitcher with the rest of the ingredients.

Pour over the cold water that you have previously boiled and put the mixture to ferment for 6 to 7 days.

Above the pitcher, put a gauze so that the mixture can breathe during the fermentation time.

Stir the mixture twice a day and strain after the recommended time has elapsed.


  • You should consume 3 tablespoons 3 times a day. 
  • The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • After three months’ rest, you can start the treatment again.

Side effects

  • It is possible that when you consume this remedy, the color of your urine will have a reddish tone.
    No need to worry. This is a side effect produced by the color of the beet and does not represent any health risk.
  • Consumption of beets can cause certain allergic reactions on the skin. In this case, it is better to suspend its consumption.
  • People who suffer from stones or kidney problems should also refrain from trying this beetroot remedy.
  • This remedy is totally prohibited for people who suffer from diabetes. This is because beets contain more sugar than any other vegetable and the preparation involves adding sugar.
  • Beetroot can help fight constipation because it increases bowel movement. However, if the person is suffering from diarrhea, it is best to stop the treatment as this can make the problem worse.

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