Avocado Kernel To Fight Cellulite

Avocado kernel has the same nutrients as its pulp, making it a deadly weapon for cellulite.

Do you have a few extra pounds because you did not control your cravings and you let yourself go? In addition to having put on weight, have you realized that you have cellulite? Do not panic ! Did you know that the avocado kernel helps you fight cellulite?

You have at your disposal a wide variety of anti-cellulite products. Most of them are expensive and surely you know many people who have tested these products.

On the other hand, you may not like the idea of ​​subjecting your body to the absorption of chemicals.

Many popular brands have withdrawn creams and gels from the market because of the presence of toxic elements that were not considered to be toxic some time before.

Better to use the n oyau lawyer to fight against cellulite, while following a balanced diet and proper hydration. 

Why use the avocado kernel to fight cellulite?

leg with cellulite

The famous “orange peel” is produced by the accumulation of water and poor blood circulation.

But be aware that common lotions do not work to prevent water retention and improve blood circulation.

They only cause inflammation of the epidermis which helps to simulate tighter skin.

Conversely, the avocado kernel stimulates lipolysis and blood circulation.

Lipolysis is the digestive process during which fat is broken down. On the other hand, micro-circulation allows the transport of nutrients, while removing harmful cells.

So the core of the avocado goes straight to the root of the problem.

You can make your own exfoliant, with 100% natural products. The side effects are therefore zero, and it is a very economical solution.

How to prepare the scrub with the avocado stone

the core of the avocado

This natural remedy is very easy to prepare.


  • 4 avocado pits
  • 4 tablespoons of olive, almond or sunflower oil (64 g)

Step by step development 

  • Cut the avocado pits into very small pieces or grate them.
  • Pour them into a dry glass container. This is important because water can alter the mixture.
  • Add the oil and mix until it looks like a paste.
  • When you reach the desired texture, keep the mixture in a firm, dark place for 3 days.
  • After the time is up, put it in the fridge (otherwise mold will appear).

How to apply it?

  • Better to apply it after showering.
  • Thanks to the hot water, the pores are opened and the exfoliant therefore penetrates more easily.
  • Apply while massaging clockwise in a circular motion.
  • Rub for 10 minutes.

Other uses of avocado

The use of the avocado kernel to fight against cellulite is only one of the possibilities of this fruit. You can also use it for the following things:

A mask for the skin

It is a fruit rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that give a radiant complexion. If you want to intensify its effects, we advise you to add honey, brewer’s yeast and yogurt.

Anti-inflammatory gel for cervicals

Acids and vitamin E not only decrease pain but also relieve its cause. This gel does not harm your body at all, unlike paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Remember that even stomach protectors have side effects on your body.

The best ingredient for lowering cholesterol

When you include avocado in your recipes, you are taking care of your health.

Thanks to its nutritional value, you can counter the substances which cause the increase of cholesterol in the blood.

Take it as an adjunct to your treatment, or as a preventative part.

Did you know that this food has so many qualities? Are you going to try our recipe based on avocado pits to fight cellulite?

We guarantee that it will help you do away with that unsightly orange peel.

Also note that avocado pulp also has very interesting health effects.

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