Auriculotherapy To Treat Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Find out what auriculotherapy is all about.

Although Parkinson’s disease is to this day an incurable disease, there have still been some advances in the treatment. Auriculotherapy or auricular acupuncture is one of these advances.

Drug treatment for Parkinson’s disease is not curative. Almost always, this treatment involves an increase in the prescribed doses as the disease progresses and according to the time of the patient’s life.

Although the main goal of this treatment is to improve the patient’s quality of life, unfortunately this is not always the case.

Auriculotherapy: a discovery of German origin

auriculotherapy, treatment of Parkinson's disease

Discovered in Germany in 2001, this therapy has demonstrated its ability to treat Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), restless legs syndrome (RLS), vascular dementia, Pick, Alzheimer’s, among others.

Now you are wondering what this therapy consists of? Auriculotherapy consists of placing titanium micro-implants on the cartilaginous tissue of the ear.

In other words, after evaluation of the patient’s state of health, small fine titanium needles are implanted in the ear cartilage.

It is a completely painless treatment with no unwanted side effects. This treatment has already improved the quality of life of over 5,000 people around the world.

Auriculotherapy: how does this treatment work in Parkinson’s disease?

auriculotherapy and parkinson's disease

To understand what the great success of this treatment consists of, it is necessary to bear in mind that Parkinson s disease is triggered when neurons produce an insufficient amount of dopamine, which results in the deterioration of the substance. black compact of the brain, among others.

This results in a motor impairment which, little by little, manifests itself in an impoverishment of movements. In a nutshell, to put it simply: people with Parkinson’s disease become slower and slower and lose flexibility, coordination and balance.

This is why the starting point is the cartilage of the auricular pinna, which has many nerve endings.

In this place, needles are placed under the skin by means of a pressure system adapted in order to activate the mechanisms of the organism, which are paralyzed. This has the effect of regulating the production of dopamines and other neurotransmitters. To designate this technique, we speak of “permanent needle” or “auricular implantology”.

The success of the treatment lies in the fact that, once acupuncture is performed, a permanent natural stimulus is obtained capable of reducing the symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease.

The main factors taken into account before resorting to this therapy are:

  • patient symptoms
  • psychological state of the patient
  • severity of illness
  • drugs taken so far

The evolution of treatment

Auriculotherapy has been perfected in a systematic way. Nowadays, it offers a much wider spectrum of micro-implantation points depending on the symptoms of each patient. It is therefore now possible to provide much more personalized attention.

Unlike traditional acupuncture, this treatment allows many more needles to be placed in a single procedure.

It should be noted that the titanium needles remain implanted in the cartilage tissue permanently. It is therefore unnecessary to replace the needles. Nevertheless, some follow-up is required. Keep in mind that a patient study is necessary to determine the number of needles the patient needs.

Auriculotherapy: testimonials from patients

Patients with Parkinson’s disease who have received this treatment have identified the following benefits:

  • decrease in anxiety
  • better ease of movement
  • decreased muscle stiffness
  • relief of pain and other physical discomforts
  • better balance (thanks to the strengthening of the paravertebral musculature)
  • lower medication dose and better quality of life

The Center for Neurogenerative Medicine in Spain has been caring for patients from all over the world in a completely personalized way for fifteen years  .

The institution maintains an avant-garde line of research which, without a shadow of a doubt, maintains both the quality of treatment and the quality of professionals.

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