Anterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome

Have you ever suffered from a sprain? See a doctor to be sure it is not a previous ankle impingement, an injury that may in some cases require surgery as the only solution.

Anterior ankle conflict syndrome  usually occurs in people who participate in regular physical activity. Athletes often suffer from it at some point in their careers. However, in this article we will find out how to detect it, its symptoms and the best way to treat this lesion.

As some scientific articles point out, the ankle is a joint that  plays an important role in standing as well as in the distribution of body weight.

For this reason, it is necessary, in case of discomfort or pain in this area, to go to a professional so that he can perform the appropriate tests and establish a diagnosis. Indeed, as we will find out, faced with a previous ankle impingement, the patient’s life may be limited.

Is the previous ankle impingement a sprain?

To understand what a previous ankle impingement really is, we can think of a sprain. However, although these two lesions look alike, they are not the same thing. A sprain can lead to excessive stretching  of the ligaments, causing micro-tears or even partial or complete rupture of the ligaments.

An athlete in pain from anterior ankle impingement syndrome

What happens when the sprain does not heal or there has been no consultation with the doctor? A previous ankle impingement may occur. This is because torn ligaments begin to heal, forming a tissue called synovial tissue, which becomes trapped with movement.

Since there is no rest, or bandaging of the foot, the healing tissue is usually bulky because the foot does not stand still.

What are the symptoms ?

The symptoms of the previous ankle impingement are progressive in terms of pain. If we do not go to a specialist for a series of tests to diagnose this lesion and start treatment, the pain will be more and more unbearable and will affect the quality of life.

  • If you are athletic and play soccer, the pain will alert you every time you kick the ball
  • Likewise, if you are doing ballet dancing, positions that require standing on “tiptoes” will cause severe pain which will gradually increase.

In addition, pain can also warn us that we suffer from this type of injury when practicing pilates. And more precisely in the position of the “points”.

Any movement that involves working the front part of the ankle will cause pain. In addition, there may also be inflammation in the area.

Application of cold to relieve pain from anterior ankle impingement syndrome

Treatments for anterior ankle impingement

As we have just seen, pain can limit the practice of the sports just mentioned.

For this reason, it is necessary to go to a professional who will perform an MRI in order to see if there is really a previous ankle impingement. Once the diagnosis is established, the procedure is as follows:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: they exist in the form of ointment or drugs. However, you can also simply apply ice. The goal is to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Corticosteroids:  If the pain is severe, corticosteroids may be another option. Anti-inflammatory drugs are effective in milder cases of previous ankle impingement
  • Surgery: In case the synovial tissue is very large, the previous methods will not be fully effective. Surgery is therefore necessary

Either way, the doctor will recommend rest or low impact physical activity  for the ankle area. It is best to go to the doctor when you have the slightest symptom of pain or discomfort in the anterior part of the ankle. Only then can we prevent the synovial tissue from continuing to grow. And avoid that the only solution is surgery.

Have you ever suffered from a sprain without resting until complete recovery? Have you ever been diagnosed with a previous ankle impingement? We hope that this article has enabled you to learn more about this type of injury, more specific in the case of football or ballet dance. But also in the context of other sports.

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