Almonds, Walnuts Or Hazelnuts: Which Are Better For Your Health?

Whether you consume them daily or want to start doing so, it is interesting to know the benefits of dried fruits. Here we will tell you about almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

Is it better to spend your summer vacation by the sea or in the mountains? To get around the city: bike or scooter? To wake up: tea or coffee? Almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts: which are better for your health?

When it comes to choosing dried fruits, many people wonder which are more recommended or have more positive effects on the body. Are there any significant nutritional differences between them? Which one is the most recommended?

Even if, in general, we can say that they have a composition and quite similar properties,  each one is distinguished by a component or a concrete activity.  Sometimes, therefore, some may be preferable over others. In this article, we are going to introduce you to the highlights of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

Almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts: the properties of dried fruits

There is growing interest in the effect these foods can have on human health and on the ability to prevent certain chronic diseases. In addition, more and more experts recommend their daily consumption. This is why they have been included in the dietary recommendations of some countries.

Dried fruits have a good amount of minerals, fiber, healthy fats, proteins and other phytonutrients. Thanks to them, we have been able to note benefits in terms of cardiovascular health, the prevention of chronic diseases and even the reduction of general mortality.

It can also be said that the benefits of their introduction into a diet outweigh the possible risks. In general, people who eat dried fruits on a daily basis seem to have healthier lifestyles.

Almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts as the best dried fruits?

The positive effects of almonds

This dried fruit has a proven favorable impact on our body, whether it is consumed in small quantities or in the form of larger portions. Even though almonds have a high caloric density,  studies do not show weight gain with higher rations.

One of the benefits of consuming almonds is for those people who have type 2 diabetes or are at risk of developing it. Almonds reduce the absorption of glucose after eating and have a satiating effect.

The action of almonds, in this case, is stronger if eaten as a snack  in the middle of the morning or during the afternoon. In addition, other studies have found that, if taken as a snack, they reduce hunger and the desire to eat; nor do they have repercussions on a greater total energy intake.

In addition, they should be introduced into the diet when you are growing, going through menopause or if you have problems with bone development (for example, in people who are at risk of osteoporosis). .

Even if we do not know very well the mechanisms of almonds,  we have been able to observe that the consumption of this dry fruit increases bone mineral density. Many of the nutrients needed to build and maintain healthy bones are found in almonds. We therefore find, among others, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese.

The peculiarities of nuts

This fruit, whose shape reminds us of that of the brain, is perhaps one of the most consumed and known in the world. This is in part due to  its balanced intake of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids  and the fact that it is one of the plant sources of alpha-linolenic acid in vegan diets.

One of the most notable effects of nuts is the protection of heart health. According to the results of a scientific article published in The Journal of Nutrition , nuts lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure. These are two of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

But these are not the only benefits of nuts in terms of protecting this organ. They also have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect which improves the condition of the arterial walls. This function is also very good for the brain and cognitive development.

Studies suggest that supplementing your diet with nuts may improve cognition and prevent or reduce the progression of certain degenerative diseases. For example, mild cognitive defects or Alzheimer’s disease.

The properties of hazelnuts

Almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts: which are the best for your health?

To conclude this debate between almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts and to know which are the best for health, we must talk about the third. This small dry fruit is very appreciated and consumed in the countries of the Mediterranean basin.

One of its main strengths is the presence of antioxidants in its composition. This is one of the first properties to highlight. These compounds protect cells from oxidative damage which, in the long run, can cause problems such as premature aging, cancer, or cardiovascular damage.

The anti-inflammatory capacity of hazelnuts is also very valuable; its effects have been verified in clinical tests which, in addition, have ensured that one does not gain weight with them. This constitutes a strong point for hazelnuts and for all dried fruits in general; contrary to what one might think, and despite their calories and fat intake,  these are foods that have no negative effects on weight.

Almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts: which are better for your health?

Now that we have seen the properties of these three types of dried fruits, we can say  that there are no points that could classify them as better or worse.  As we have said, including dried fruits in your diet is generally beneficial and is a positive dietary practice.

It does not matter whether it is almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts, but also peanuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts or pine nuts. Even though all of these fruits have specific characteristics, it can be said that they all help to improve and prevent problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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