A Breakfast That Will Help You Lose Weight In A Month

If you eat this breakfast every day, be sure to accompany it with a diet low in calories, and rich in fruit and vegetables. Also, participate in physical activity to not only lose weight, but also to benefit your body.

Are you looking for a totally effective diet to lose weight without losing energy? The first thing to do is not to skip breakfast!

Surely you have heard of the importance of breakfast and how it can be key to the functions of the body throughout the day.

Indeed, breakfast is a key meal to lose weight and enjoy the best energies throughout the day.

In the modern world, many people have lost the good habit of devoting time to breakfast to eat something healthy and full.

Today, many people just drink coffee or start the day without consuming anything for the first few hours.

Did you know that it can have negative effects on the body? Although many don’t believe it, skipping breakfast has been linked to weight gain, fatigue, trouble concentrating, or physical frailty, among others.

Does Breakfast Help Lose Weight?

Have a breakfast.

Several surveys have shown that people who do not eat breakfast tend to be more overweight than those who eat breakfast.

This is because breakfast provides a feeling of fullness, as it reduces hunger for the rest of the day and helps to avoid overeating.

When a person skips this important meal, they tend to be more anxious and ultimately end up consuming more calories than if they are eating breakfast.

Also, skipping breakfast can increase the body’s response to insulin, leading to fat storage and therefore weight gain.

A good breakfast is the first decision of the day. To enjoy good health and have a balanced weight.

People who eat well have been shown to lead healthier lifestyles and be happier.

What other reasons do we need breakfast?

Breakfast is a source of energy that can provide the necessary strength for our body for daily activities.

When we eat a healthy breakfast, our brains function better and we are more focused on the tasks that are incumbent upon us during the day.

In addition, a good breakfast brings energy to our muscles, helps us improve physical performance and reduces the feeling of fatigue.

What is the breakfast that helps us lose weight?

Food for a breakfast.

There are many healthy breakfasts that can help you lose pounds. As long as they are supplemented by a healthy diet and regular exercise.

In this article, we are going to share with you a special breakfast. Thanks to which you can challenge yourself to lose up to 4.5 kg.

The idea is to eat this breakfast every day for a month. By supplementing it with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in calories.

This breakfast is very healthy and within a few days you will start to see positive results.

In addition, it is characterized by its high content of vitamins and minerals. Which help maintain the beauty of the skin and hair. It also activates the metabolism, thus promoting weight loss.

If you make the decision to eat this excellent breakfast for a full month, you will also enjoy other important benefits. Such as reducing intestinal problems, cleansing the body and removing harmful substances from the body.


  • 300 ml of kefir (or low fat yogurt)
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 teaspoon of ground flax
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
  • 5-7 prunes


  • In a container of 100 ml of boiling water, add the prunes. Cover them and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • In a separate bowl, add the oats, ground flax and cocoa. Then add the kefir and mix well, until all the ingredients are well incorporated.
  • Remove the prunes from the water, cut them into pieces and add them to the previous mixture. Mix everything again and put the container in the refrigerator.
  • The ideal is to prepare it in the evening to consume it the following morning. When you get up, you will have a healthy breakfast that will allow you to lose weight. And will improve your digestion.

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