Emotional Instability Or Why Isn’t Every Day The Same?

If our emotional instability is occasional we should not worry or fear the worst. Because we all have days with and days without. If it turns out that the situation persists, it is best to consult a professional.

Emotional instability are those small periods of low morale that a person may experience for a short period of time.

The most common thing, generally, is that we do not know what caused this variation, this sudden sadness, this joy or this disinterest.

However, it is important to first determine something essential: there are various types of emotional instability.

There is, without a doubt, this borderline personality disorder where the ups and downs are chaotic, uninterrupted and where a complete neurosis appears for which it is necessary to have recourse to an adapted psychological treatment.

In our article we want to focus on the other extreme, on that more punctual and less intense emotional instability that we all suffered once.

It is not a clinical problem. But times when the sun covers itself up and shadows appear more slender than ever. Something has changed in our hearts without knowing why.

We will explain the possible causes to you.

Emotional instability: the causes that generate it in general

There are people who are characterized by their unstable character. There are times when everything seems to be going well. And others during which all projects fall apart, because they have changed their minds.

This type of profile is generally very confrontational. It is difficult for us to trust them. And these people are generally very difficult to approach. Plus, cohabitation feels like a roller coaster. These are just ups and downs.

Now, let’s leave aside the different personality profiles and clinical issues. And let’s see why we ourselves, at times, can suffer from it.

emotional instability: the causes that generate it in general

Poor self-esteem

We have all gone through periods as complicated as they are delicate. Sometimes a convulsed relationship leads to emotional dependence.

It is necessary to know that the person who is very attached to his spouse because he feels a victim, develops poor self-esteem. Because of this, it is very common to suffer from great emotional instability in these cases.

  • There will be days when we tell ourselves that we worship our spouse. And others where we will feel rage and frustration because we are just unhappy.

The hidden depression

As specialists explain to us, many people today, especially men, go through depression without having been diagnosed with it.

It is more difficult for them to open up and ask for help, and thus silently suffer their hell and their problems.

Hidden depression manifests itself through the following symptoms:

  • Emotional instability
  • Bad mood
  • Apathy
  • Tired
  • Negative and fatalistic thoughts

Daily stress

This is arguably the most common cause of emotional instability. External pressure and the way we deal with these stressful situations certainly affects our state of mind.

There will be days when we put up with it all. But there will be times when everything is beyond us.

Hormonal changes

PMS tends to cause some emotional changes. However, it should be clear that these variations in state of mind only affect around 10% of women more intensely.

Genetic inheritance

As of today we have more information about our brain chemistry. We know that genetics play a significant role in causing this problem.

  • Some neurotransmitters have been found to be altered, such as serotonin. It is precisely involved in the regulation of states of mind and emotions.
  • In some cases, and always when our emotional instability is very intense and affects our quality of life, it is necessary to receive appropriate treatment.

emotional instability: genetic inheritance

How to deal with emotional instability

First and foremost understand that we all have good days and bad days. It is even normal to have a few small relapses during the day from which we recover quickly.

The human being is not a robot. We are emotional spirits who react to stimuli in different ways regardless of the moment.

There will be days when we are more concerned, more sensitive. Moments when we will be touched with an unexpected motivation and will be capable of anything.

Our brains will always try to protect us in these specific cases, so you just have to practice these strategies:

  • Refresh your mind, block out negativity, and exercise your body. Go for a walk, take a bike ride, draw mandalas, walk along the sea or in the forest …
  • Chat with yourself. Take care of your needs, understand what is tormenting your mind.
  • Open up to someone who can understand you. Explain how you are feeling and share a moment of relaxation with that person. This will be of great benefit to you.

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