5 Signals That You Are A Toxic Person

If the same patterns are repeated in your relationships with others, you should consider the idea that the problem is not with them, but that you may be a toxic person.

On this site, we often tell you about toxic people and their behaviors. We also advise you to stay away from them, but have you ever thought that you might be a toxic person? Do you know how to identify it?

We rarely think about these questions and all they entail. However, it would be very important to analyze them.

Thinking about this is essential because interpersonal relationships give birth to life.

If you are a toxic person, you are going to find yourself in conflicted relationships that will bring neither happiness nor security to your life.

Now that you know that, now is the time to see what are the signs that maybe you are a toxic person.

1. You speak badly about others

recognize a toxic person

One of the first signs of a toxic person is a taste for criticizing and speaking badly about others.

Human beings are communicative by nature. In fact, we need to chat regularly.

But becoming a gossip or spreading gossip is neither healthy nor positive. Ask yourself:

  • Do you always criticize others?
  • Do you only talk about others and never point the finger to the positive?
  • Do you invent facts to have things to say?

The reality is, while it may seem unimportant, others will see you as someone you cannot be trusted.

Over time, others will lose confidence in you when they see that you criticize everyone, and they will move away from you.

To resolve this problem, avoid speaking negatively about others all the time. Better to just say nothing than to strike up a conversation that can hurt others.

2. You see life in negative terms

Another of the signals of a toxic person is always being negative. We know that no life is perfect and that at any time a reason to be sad or upset can emerge.

If you spend your time being sarcastic, complaining about everything that happens to you, or being sad, you’ll come to a time when no one wants to see you anymore.

Do not misinterpret our words: it is normal to have a drop in morale from time to time.

What happens, what sharing time with someone who never sees the positive always ends up pumping the energy of those around him. If you have come to this point, it is important to analyze what it is due to.

You may be going through depression, so you will need to see a psychologist. If you engage in this behavior for no apparent reason, you should analyze the reasons for it.

3. You demand too much time from others

Spending time with your friends, family, and spouse has to be one of the most important things in your life. After all, those relationships are part of who you are and make you happy.

However, if you ask them for too much time, you could be a toxic person. Always remember that even though you are a part of their life, you cannot occupy all of their attention.

Interpersonal relationships consist of giving and receiving time, space, companionship etc.

If you demand time and attention whenever you need it but aren’t there for your loved ones, they will feel like you are using them.

If you think you are making this mistake, give yourself a minute to find out if you are giving as much as you ask for.

We are of course not talking about money, but an afternoon, a trip to the cinema, a coffee or a conversation to share.

4. You are the king / queen of drama

Here’s another signal from toxic people: This person always idealizes negative situations.

A person who spends his life making dramas ends up wearing down his relationships and generating fatigue and boredom around him.

In fact, there are some people who really love to make situations dramatic:

  • Exaggerating the problems
  • Those that cause scenes of jealousy
  • Those that constantly provoke arguments

Do these kinds of situations speak to you? If so, find a solution to stop these attitudes or, at least, change them little by little.

Spending your life in the midst of drama very quickly ceases to be thrilling and especially encourages others to flee, if they have not already done so.

5. You lie all the time

two people chatting

Lying is never a good idea, even if you do it with the best of intentions. If you do this constantly, it could mean that you are a toxic person.

We know that sometimes it is difficult to face the truth when it involves pain or grief, especially for someone we love very much.

If lies are harmful and must be avoided at all costs, they must be even more so if they only serve to “cover” you.

You need to know why you are lying and what you are trying to solve.

If lying is something common with you but has no real reason, it is important to see a psychologist, as it is neither healthy nor common.

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